Jason M. 's Leaving Post

Jul 10, 2021
Didn't think I'd be writing this today, nor recently honestly, however after the complaint on me was received and after I gave my entire case and reasoning to SL, they continued to decide that I was unfit for UNGOC General. Due to this, I've decided that If I am unable to hold the position I enjoy most on the server, I don't want to play it anymore. On the topic of GM, I have also resigned.

Now, after all of my time in SCP-RP, I got quite a few honourable mentions. If I missed you, and I am positive I definitely have missed a few, I apologise but you are looked upon fondly.

General People
@Ethan Mendaz - ? ?
@Tommy Lee - You were a great guy to talk to. Always good to see you brother.
@Coolfrae - Got on that Val grind and never recovered :cry:
@Mike Walker - You were fun to talk to. Great pole.
@Wonka Kane - Terrible A-1 member. I was so much better than you.
@Huff - You're a real one brother. Every talk we had was great. Shame you never really got the notoriety you deserved.
@Berlin - Based asf. I remember the hit squad.
@Julien White - Awesome guy. Every interaction was amazing. Damn I love you brother.
@Yeke - My Mentee. Look how you turned out :) I'll miss you pal.
@Otters - You're a really cool guy. I enjoyed shooting your otter and killing you during that triple breach. No regrets.
@Jacub - So glad you never actually recorded that.
@AssassinsAim - Not sure if we ever had something bad happen between us or drifted. But you were cool, best member of that Ethics Clique.
@Ferrit - Ferrit gang
@Nirvan - Iranian

Epsilon - 11
I made the E-11 checkpoint. This is my worst invention.
@Flames - You're a real prick. Though you were cool in Commander, Dianabol/Freedom strategist.
@Jason Taylor (Cirenmatt) - Inactive bastard. I was a better Major. I recall being LT when you were CPL and then you somehow got Major when I did.
@Chambers - You were really chill, I remember you fondly as a CSG.
@Bob mc adam - You and Jonathan were really good LTs, fucking scum left me for A-1. Still love you though.
@Jonathan Wednesday - Likely wont see this but same as above. Though you were better than Bob.
@Alex Bones - You're missed brother. You were genuinely one of the few people I still liked after they became high staff ranks and left E-11. Stay strong brother.
@Sven Sky - S.S and German. Have no more words to say.
@Fracchia - You were a really good guy. It's seriously a shame you had to resign like that.
@Gianfranco - You and Fracchia were close. I wish we spent more time in E-11, the both of us. You were really chill.
@Sofics - You were the most inactive motherfucker who ever got Commander. How you held that for so long confuses the shit out of me.
@todd - Literal Child
@Negan White - Fucking walking W. Such a based guy.
@Rob Boss - You are really something you know that? Not in a good way.
@Bubba - Fuckin idiot
@Rainbow Dash - You were dope, that's it.
@Cheddar - W Modeller
@Diabolic - You were a great guy. Respected you a lot. Hope your finger got better.
@luka - You were the worst femboy on the checkpoint.

ScD (Scientific Department)
No it's not R&D, no It's not SD. It's ScD.
@Noah Kraus - You were a good Director. 'Nough said. I respected you and it's a shame you left for CC.
@Metropolitan - Damn intimidating. Sexy voice.

Global Occult Coalition
@Houston Benton - Shit at lore. Worst codename ever.
@Avery Winters - Equally bad at lore. Good codename. Cool guy.
@Bobertio - You're the next best person in lore in this damn faction. Shame you're gonna end up resigning for College. I'll miss you brother
@SAINT - Got promoted past me when I was on holiday. Fuckhead. Though you're definitely one of the people I'm keeping in touch with.
@Biscuits - You are not okay mentally. Worst CI who ever joined GOC, and that's saying something. We even got fucking @Jericho at one point and he was better.
@Arshia - Cool LT, though you were inactive, I also remember you fondly from E-11 days. Mad respect to you brother, whatever you're doing now.
@Daszker - Cool D-Class.
@Nightcrawler - Couldn't go 5 minutes without you fucking up. God save the Coalition now that I'm gone.
@AstroHD - Loved sucking your blood dry everytime you came on. Free O- blood supply.
@Jack Manning - W guy, one of the real ones. Kocham cie <3
@ionboy64 - Dope guy. Absolute classic fucking with you and Phoenix.
@PhoenixHeanix - Damn you were inactive, but a pleasure playing with you all the time.
@RoxieCat2003 - Based pac3 enjoyer. Spend that weed carefully.
@Kore - Cool U.S guy. Nice memes.
@checkraisefold - I always hated checkers. Chess >

The Guy
@John Paul.
Brother, you've been here for pretty much every bit of my time in SCP, most W guy I've met on here.
Make sure to lend me half that zoot next time you make it.

Shame it had to end like this.
I'll be remaining on DarkRP for now, however my time on SCP ends here.
Till next time, everyone

Jason M. out