Denied New CI Ranks

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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I want to preface this suggestion with something so it is clear for everyone - YES, this suggestion was made and denied before, however regimental command from both US and UK have come together since then and seem to have come to a sort of consensus on the necessity of these jobs and how they will be implemented. I also want to mention that the rank of "Sigma" IS in fact a lore rank, while the "Omega" rank is NOT a rank in lore, however I am a believer that gameplay or structure should be valued over lore or realism.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
  • Add the "Sigma" rank before Alpha - this rank would have the Operative, Chemist, Deep Cover and Juggernaut jobs.
  • Add the "Omega" rank between Gamma and Delta - this rank would have the TYPE-BLUE job.
CI ranks updated.png

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
YES, the Sigma rank was suggested by the US LTCOM about 4 months ago, and it was denied due to disagreements between US and UK command. We have since spoken about these changes and have come to agreements on their implementation. (

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. CI would finally have non-CO ranks that match the rest of the server. Currently both Foundation and GOC have 3 enlisted ranks and 3 NCO ranks, however CI has always been left with their 2 and 2.
  2. Progression in the regiment would be enhanced as less ranks has meant less overall movement in the regiment for the average player, which lowers overall retention.
  3. This could diversify where jobs are placed as we have multiple ranks where several vital jobs are unlocked with one promotion, and this will be able to split up where potential NEW jobs (wink wink) (?) might be able to go.
  4. Could act as a replacement for the UK's current "PLP" system, which effectively adds ranks after Gamma and Delta.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Development time. Obviously it would take some time and effort for the implementation as new rank insignia would have to be made as well as moving all of the jobs around.
  • Setting up the ranks on rosters, organizing the bunks layout and creating internal policies for these ranks will take some time and effort from the command staff of either side.
  • Status quo will be changed; people are used to 4 non CO ranks, so this may throw people for a loop.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
CI has stood apart from the conventional rank structures of the rest of the server for seemingly no real reason other than lore. If this were to be accepted, we would finally match the rest of the server and players could progress through the ranks with retention in mind - with more ranks, people can be promoted more, and when you are promoted more, you stick around! The negatives are only inconveniences to those who don't truly want this implemented, and after talking over with some of UK CI command, I hope that this won't be the case. Thanks for reading y'all.
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CI has stood apart from the conventional rank structures of the rest of the server for seemingly no real reason other than lore.
as much as I hate to say it, CI isn't the main focus of the server. Adding two new ranks, one below alpha (and the second one restricting the TB job for seemingly no reason other than to fill what this new 'Omega' rank would take) seems unnecessary to me

I've said this a lot before, but CI isn't the same as the foundation- a lot less people play on CI than play on Nu-7, E-11, etc... and the whole gameplay loop is completely different. In MTF groups it's understandable that they have all these ranks considering the sheer amount of people that are on at a time, but for CI you'll probably get twenty on once in a blue moon. At the end of the day most people will be on CI to MR, then get off until the cooldown ends.
with more ranks, people can be promoted more, and when you are promoted more, you stick around! The negatives are only inconveniences to those who don't truly want this implemented
More promotions are all well and good if there's proper content on each rank - i don't think getting promoted and unlocking CI R&D is gonna make much of a difference, and restricting the reality bender job to above gamma might have the opposite effect

if this is accepted it's not like it's the end of the world though, idm in the end

as much as I hate to say it, CI isn't the main focus of the server. Adding two new ranks, one below alpha (and the second one restricting the TB job for seemingly no reason other than to fill what this new 'Omega' rank would take) seems unnecessary to me

I've said this a lot before, but CI isn't the same as the foundation- a lot less people play on CI than play on Nu-7, E-11, etc... and the whole gameplay loop is completely different. In MTF groups it's understandable that they have all these ranks considering the sheer amount of people that are on at a time, but for CI you'll probably get twenty on once in a blue moon. At the end of the day most people will be on CI to MR, then get off until the cooldown ends.

More promotions are all well and good if there's proper content on each rank - i don't think getting promoted and unlocking CI R&D is gonna make much of a difference, and restricting the reality bender job to above gamma might have the opposite effect

if this is accepted it's not like it's the end of the world though, idm in the end

This is true, CI is not the main part of the server, and often times we dont amass the same numbers foundation does but that shouldn't excuse the blatant skewing of our rank structures. even GOC has this structure and they are approximately a quarter of the size of CI (on US at least.)

Alpha was tough to balance around sigma because we cannot place DC or juggernaut at a rank higher than the lowest rank, as these are VIP jobs. I discussed this issue with reg coms of either side and decided we would bite the bullet and make Alpha a regiment-progression promotion, simply a stepping stool to the rest of the regiment, rather than a big-job promotion like beta. Foundation has a ton of promotions like this (spc, lcpl, sgt) where jobs aren't immediately earned but a sense of satisfaction is granted because you know you have done well enough to earn that higher place in the regiment.

as much as I hate to say it, CI isn't the main focus of the server. Adding two new ranks, one below alpha (and the second one restricting the TB job for seemingly no reason other than to fill what this new 'Omega' rank would take) seems unnecessary to me

I've said this a lot before, but CI isn't the same as the foundation- a lot less people play on CI than play on Nu-7, E-11, etc... and the whole gameplay loop is completely different. In MTF groups it's understandable that they have all these ranks considering the sheer amount of people that are on at a time, but for CI you'll probably get twenty on once in a blue moon. At the end of the day most people will be on CI to MR, then get off until the cooldown ends.

More promotions are all well and good if there's proper content on each rank - i don't think getting promoted and unlocking CI R&D is gonna make much of a difference, and restricting the reality bender job to above gamma might have the opposite effect

if this is accepted it's not like it's the end of the world though, idm in the end
One comment I will make on your reply is that this is server diff. CI on US is insanely popular, having around 130~ members at the time of this suggestion and I have seen peak 25 CI regularly almost daily. It's not uncommon to see at least 5 CI on at all times, maybe 10 just roaming surface and PvPing with Nu-7 or DEA having fun.

Not to say that your input is invalid or shit on what does work on the UK server, but US and UK have drastically different atmospheres around CI and PvP as a whole, something worth keeping in mind. Pinhead is a US MCOM, one of the more respected ones at that, he knows what works and what doesn't for our server.
as much as I hate to say it, CI isn't the main focus of the server. Adding two new ranks, one below alpha (and the second one restricting the TB job for seemingly no reason other than to fill what this new 'Omega' rank would take) seems unnecessary to me
UNGOC, and O-1/A-1 (combined) both have half our player count and more ranks than us...
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