Accepted Improve ScipNET Search Feature

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Active member
Dec 30, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Alters the ScipNET Search Feature to allow for Specific Searching : Names of Person whom wrote the Document : Dates : Times : Clearance :

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

Scaling the positives & negatives on a scale from 0-5 with how important I think they are each, 0 being least important, 5 being very important.

  • Allows for better access of the ScipNET computer systems. (3/5).
  • Direct quotes from personnel suggest that this feature will bring more attention to the ScipNET Computer Systems, allowed Department Heads/Management to use it reliably for things such as Incident Reports, Arrest Reports, Experiment Logs, and Permits. (5/5).
  • Adding this will also make it easier for Site Personnel to access old documents that they previously uploaded. (4/5)
  • An overall Quality-of-Life addition (5/5)
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Literally 0 (Half of the Foundation doesnt even use ScipNET due to its poor Search Quality)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this suggestion should be accepted because I personally throughout my time playing Civil have used the ScipNET Computer Systems religiously. I love writing Documents (Have Spent Upmost of 80+ Hours Typing In-Game Documents), and using the ScipNET System sucks. It's very messy currently with multiple folders that lead to nothing and tons of random experiment logs that are dumped nonsensically. This would allow Department Heads to go into the ScipNET Systems and route to ScipNET>Site_65>Departments>, go to their folder of choice and with one simple Search Query find a document they uploaded 5 months ago.
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Reactions: Harold Hawks


Well-known Member
Resources Team
Jun 7, 2023
- This not only improves the scipNET, It also encourages other departments to use the scipNET more as no one really uses it as a main source of documents. Right now the scipNET is a feature that is rendered useless by the fact that departmental leaders DO NOT encourage the usage as it is not optimal at all, if its implemented the departmental leaders will 100% use scipNET more and enforce the usage of it.
(Also not to mention the search bar is REALLY buggy and doesnt show about 90% of the results it should.)


Active member
Sep 8, 2023
I would actually use ScipNET if this is added, it's pretty confusing as it is :d


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Sep 30, 2023
I completely need this and I totally agree with everything said in this post. I think that the ScipNet really needs a little overhauling, because of the poor search feature.

Medical Consultant
DEA Agent
IA Agent

E-11 CPL


Active member
Feb 2, 2023
A very much-needed feature, would make it a lot easier to actually navigate ScipNET


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
I think the ScipNET search is fine how it is

Also like you said like like only half of the players use it so why would they improve a feature on it
Lastly the only thing I think is wrong with ScipNET is the design and look everything else is fine
Oh and I think making the search feature better would be a waste of time for the developers and also wouldn't make sense just to work on one feature.



Active member
Dec 30, 2022
I think the ScipNET search is fine how it is

Also like you said like like only half of the players use it so why would they improve a feature on it
Lastly the only thing I think is wrong with ScipNET is the design and look everything else is fine
Oh and I think making the search feature better would be a waste of time for the developers and also wouldn't make sense just to work on one feature.

If the ScipNET Search Feature was updated; Research, Internal Affairs, and Medical would use it 75% more and active usage of it would be encouraged by Mangement+. This has been told to me by Directors and Junior Cl. 4 of those 3 Departments. As Pigeon said, "This not only improves the scipNET, It also encourages other departments to use the scipNET more as no one really uses it as a main source of documents."


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
If the ScipNET Search Feature was updated; Research, Internal Affairs, and Medical would use it 75% more and active usage of it would be encouraged by Mangement+. This has been told to me by Directors and Junior Cl. 4 of those 3 Departments. As Pigeon said, "This not only improves the scipNET, It also encourages other departments to use the scipNET more as no one really uses it as a main source of documents."
Well make a suggestion with more features that would be good then ill support it for now I won't cause all this suggestion actually suggests is a better search feature what we actually need is a whole new ScipNET because right now the current one looks ugly and yeah ik its the theme but it looks ugly and unless someone is willing to give solid ideas on how to make it 1000% better then i will never support.
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