Fission was the mission.

My first day on CN is hard to track, so I'll just go with the day I joined the Discord. 10/26/2022. In the time from then to now, I've made some great memories and met some amazing people. This community has had ups and downs, but I'm confident in saying I had fun. Most of the time. Thank you to everyone who put up with me, I love you all.

@Blackknight95 - It's a lot better on this side, I'll miss you a lot. Don't forget about me just cause I won't be DMing you to complain every day!
@Starling6 - At first, I kinda fuckin hated you, but looking back, you're one of the best friends I made here. Thanks for dealing with my shit so long sis.
@Rowling - Unhealthy gmod addiction to unhealthy tarkov addiction get help lil bro (play fortnite with me)
@Dalton - I'll still haunt your dreams, Bruno. Fear me.
@PhoenixHeanix - My biggest supporter, and best UK player
@Pyro - You deserve SD, lock it in
@Randalls - Hey look under there
@Gregory - No more TYPE-BLACK larp :( (clash royale king cry)
@"Peasant" - Get O5 it'll be funny I think
@Deftone - I'll always appreciate you for being someone to talk to when I needed it. Thank you forever.
@Guinea -
@bug - You a real one keep it up king
@Mc Rib - best australian
@Chan - best australian
@Aaron Richards - We simply win.
@KingCrusader911 - Insane
@ Kaz - Maybe you were a good O-1 LT
@Canoon Best ECM Best Overseer Five
@ Blackout - What happened in the group chat....
@moonyguru - Big Fishy
@Swag Messiah - Hop on paladins

@ Sergio Valdez - Fission is the mission.

@DropKuma - Words can not describe how thankful I am to have met you, you're my best friend and I will always cherish you (We're prob gonna watch anime tonight so it won't be too long lol)

If I missed anyone, my fault og. If you think you should be on this list you already know how forgetful I am sooooooo.

I'm not saying I won't come back, but it'll definately be a while.

Bye-bye, miss American Pie.

"Fission is the mission."
- Second
had pretty much no in-game interaction with you since you're a US player, but obv we've had a lot of back and forth in suggestions

if you ever come back, should definitely consider coming to UK servers for your next go around, might be a refreshing change of pace - see if you either like what we have going on over here or if there's at least anything that we have that you might want to try and bring over to the US side (like an IC policy or smth). i'd absolutely be willing to help you if that's what you want to do - and in that case, if you ever want like a private tryout for E-11 then feel free to contact me about it - or about just anything, really.

either way, o7 hope things work out for you
you af rn