Partially Accepted Updated Orange Suit

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This makes multiple major changes to the Orange Suit (UHEC), based on this wiki article.

Firstly, an actual deployment system for the UHEC. Instead of this being a job that staff can flag people onto, it would use a special deployment system. Any GOC COs would be able to call for one to be deployed at any surface location, similar to airstrike designation. When a CO attempts to deploy one, it will check if any of the following conditions are met and deploy it if so:
  • 2+ SCPs are on surface level, with at least 25% HP each
  • GOC FOB has enemy combatants inside it or nearby (meaning members of Foundation or CI, with at least 1 GOC having died to that faction recently), outnumbering GOC in the same area 2:1
  • Any SCP-008 (-2, spores or syringes) are on or near surface (including CI base, GOC base, and Foundation EZ)
  • At least 5 Foundation SCPs are breached
If none of these conditions are met, any online SL will be prompted to allow it or not - if they click allow, it is deployed as normal.

At some point during this deployment process, the CO requesting it would be able to select who should be deployed as the UHEC.

The actual deployment process would have a helicopter or VTOL fly overhead (similar to ERT), and when it gets above the specified location, the UHEC would drop out of the back of it, fall, and land in the designated position on surface. The landing would cause a loud noise, and kick up dust or snow (depending on landing location) - anything under it when it lands would sustain a large amount of damage, and gib if they die.

Secondly, a form of the Banshee System described on the wiki article would exist. When active, the UHEC would emit loud, constant noise. Anyone that is not an SCP, GOC combative, or wearing SCRAMBLEs that can hear this noise would be subjected to screen shaking and distortion effects, along with text prompts all over the screen (similar to the orange cognitohazard portrait) encouraging the user to run away (e.g. "RUN", "PANIC", "HIDE" "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE"). Anyone that is immune as described previously would still hear the loud sounds, but not be affected by the cognitohazard. To those it does affect, looking the opposite direction to the UHEC would slightly dimish its effects, as would getting further away - remaining away from it for a minute or so would have it stop entirely. Possible balancing factors for this would be sound attenuation (distance), a limit on how long it can be used for, a cooldown between uses, or allowing it to affect GOC combatives that don't have SCRAMBLEs.

Thirdly, an actual implementation of the Firestorm system as described on the wiki page. This has previously been done sometimes by giving the UHEC an IED or similar, but something more suited for it directly would be good. Essentially, a SWEP where triggering it causes a short-range explosive blast (a couple of metres) that causes significant damage and knockback. Possible balancing factors for this include limiting the blast to one direction, limiting the uses of it significantly (maybe only once), limiting the range, limiting the damage, and having the blast cause damage to the UHEC user.

Finally, an optional addition might make sense for balancing: deployment options. As part of the new deployment system, if balancing is needed, the new system may include limited options for equipment that the deployer can select. This would mean that the UHEC can't have all equipment at once, but instead a selection can be chosen based on the scenario. The deployer would select the location, and then things like the gun (regular LMG vs Mauler), whether it has Banshee, whether it has Firestorm, it's armour amount, etc. - would be based on points, with different changes being worth different amounts, and a limit on the total points used.

In addition, it would make sense to finally fix issues with the UHEC such as the scaling not working on spawn, and its 008 immunity (not sure if that has been fixed yet).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
A different version of the Banshee system was suggested, but it was just the 682 stun system. This is much more interesting, and still allows fighting against it, it just makes it much more difficult when active.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Much needed update for GOC - they've basically gotten nothing new, ever.
  • Buff to UHEC - it regularly gets multiple deployed at once, or a number of respawns allowed. It should be strong enough to just take one life for the scenarios it is needed in, but not so strong it is completely unbeatable.
  • Makes UHEC more unique, and thus gives GOC something more unique to them
  • Makes combat against and with GOC much more interesting, for both humans and SCPs
  • Lore accuracy, but not so lore accurate it flattens everything
  • Cool as fuck

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Will likely take significant effort to balance this, though some options have been included above as to how it might be balanced, such as limited loadouts per deployment and various stat changes.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would be a really cool addition, make the UHEC less annoying for staff once fully implemented (no more job switching, scaling, respawning, etc.), and make GOC much more interesting. GOC hasn't really had a major content update since I joined the server over a year ago, and from what I've heard, it's been even longer than that.
How about proposing this as something that happens as well as the current method, rather than instead of the current method (i.e. Doable manually, as well as through this system)? There may be events or other niche criteria (Not quite edge-case criteria, there's a lot of valid reasons outside of what is listed here that are well within the bounds of normal occurrence, that I'm sure anyone more versed in the subject of deploying the OSuit than I can tell you about) that can't be reasonably mechanically defined in a "If [Condition == true] Then [Deploy()]" type setup. It's a strange affair, I know - But in terms of... Pretty much everything about the way GOC is on the server, from structure, to permission, to content, to procedure, that's kinda par for the course, unfortunately. If anyone is reading this that is a DEA main/holds a significant position, please consider creating an IC subdivision entitled 'Department of Strange Affairs' in reference to this, whose mission statement is to interact with GOC. It would be extremely funny.

I do otherwise like the idea - This could potentially help with the whole situation regarding breaches - Not that the desired 'normal' is to the point where OSuits are being deployed regularly to deal with breaches, but given that OSuits are supposed to somewhat be part of ordinary gameplay loops, I think easing the workload of SL would help greatly with this process and all related affairs. So long as it's easily implementable, implemented well and reasonably gates off OSuit deployment to the conditions desired for which they should be deployed - I'd say something about SL potentially becoming too reliant on this, but... I mean, they do a lot. I think they deserve to be able to cut corners where feasible in the name of smooth, efficient operation and their own mental health; Not that this would have much impact, but I can't imagine it wouldn't be appreciated.
How about proposing this as something that happens as well as the current method, rather than instead of the current method (i.e. Doable manually, as well as through this system)? There may be events or other niche criteria (Not quite edge-case criteria, there's a lot of valid reasons outside of what is listed here that are well within the bounds of normal occurrence, that I'm sure anyone more versed in the subject of deploying the OSuit than I can tell you about) that can't be reasonably mechanically defined in a "If [Condition == true] Then [Deploy()]" type setup. It's a strange affair, I know - But in terms of... Pretty much everything about the way GOC is on the server, from structure, to permission, to content, to procedure, that's kinda par for the course, unfortunately. If anyone is reading this that is a DEA main/holds a significant position, please consider creating an IC subdivision entitled 'Department of Strange Affairs' in reference to this, whose mission statement is to interact with GOC. It would be extremely funny.

I do otherwise like the idea - This could potentially help with the whole situation regarding breaches - Not that the desired 'normal' is to the point where OSuits are being deployed regularly to deal with breaches, but given that OSuits are supposed to somewhat be part of ordinary gameplay loops, I think easing the workload of SL would help greatly with this process and all related affairs. So long as it's easily implementable, implemented well and reasonably gates off OSuit deployment to the conditions desired for which they should be deployed - I'd say something about SL potentially becoming too reliant on this, but... I mean, they do a lot. I think they deserve to be able to cut corners where feasible in the name of smooth, efficient operation and their own mental health; Not that this would have much impact, but I can't imagine it wouldn't be appreciated.
It's entirely possible that another UHEC job could still exist for events and the like, or maybe that the new deploy system could just optionally have the UHEC spawn normally with SL approval or something. But the overall system I described is intended to cover essentially any scenario that can be checked programmatically to cause an auto-approval, but at any point one could be called in and SL would just be prompted to approve it, so it can be called in whenever as needed.
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Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
I mean, I would love this but lore accurate osuit will never happen outside of events. If it’s generic osuit, it’s just a cool transition sequence that sounds pretty cool and I’m totally down for it. Needs a lot of dev time though for the animation of dropping and leaving heli.
Make OS a vehicle, and this would be fire.
And make it's size like 4.5, and make it's model beefy
I want a lore accurate Orange Suit on the menu for today, shit's fucking cool rather than the lame one we have, which is at the mid-line of good against SCP's (and annoying to play against lol), while shit against large groups. It needs to max out somewhere

Sep 10, 2023
Make OS a vehicle, and this would be fire.
And make it's size like 4.5, and make it's model beefy
I want a lore accurate Orange Suit on the menu for today, shit's fucking cool rather than the lame one we have, which is at the mid-line of good against SCP's (and annoying to play against lol), while shit against large groups. It needs to max out somewhere

I can confirm, Osuit is fun to play as at first. But soon gets annoying after SCPs start absolutely shitting on you.

(It's so fun to get stunlocked by 682s roar then have him and 076-2 start beating you down)
I can confirm, Osuit is fun to play as at first. But soon gets annoying after SCPs start absolutely shitting on you.

(It's so fun to get stunlocked by 682s roar then have him and 076-2 start beating you down)
That's what Firestorm is for. You get backed into a corner by SCPs, or can't get away from 076 because it's too fast and remaining in melee range, and you'd finally have a counter to it: short range explosive blast.

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
Even though i am a GOC hater i do see good within this. (but please stop calling it a tank and then complaining when i throw an matador at you like cmon)(JOKE)
- GOC does need an update (i myself have always wonderd why GOC don't get a dumbed down version of the FOB system like MRP has to build arround their base)
- Only problem i see is no SL being on to approve it? But could make it so that the highest ranking staff member who isn't afk gets it.
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Suggestion Soon-To-Be Denied

Hi @Zen,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team will deny your suggestion due to the following reasons:

For its intended purposes, they believe it is fine where it is currently. Also, it will 99% end up in the dev tracker backlog, then be discarded once it's actually uncovered 8 months later.

Your suggestion will probably be locked and marked as denied.

Suggestion Soon-To-Be Denied

Hi @Zen,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team will deny your suggestion due to the following reasons:

For its intended purposes, they believe it is fine where it is currently. Also, it will 99% end up in the dev tracker backlog, then be discarded once it's actually uncovered 8 months later.

Your suggestion will probably be locked and marked as denied.

Nah, it'll be something much vaguer and more useless than that. Something like "We don't think it's necessary." (nothing on this server is necessary - it's an SCP-RP server -, if CT built this from the ground up, they'd deny features like "voice chat" and "SCPs")
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Sep 10, 2023
Even though i am a GOC hater i do see good within this. (but please stop calling it a tank and then complaining when i throw an matador at you like cmon)(JOKE)
- GOC does need an update (i myself have always wonderd why GOC don't get a dumbed down version of the FOB system like MRP has to build arround their base)
- Only problem i see is no SL being on to approve it? But could make it so that the highest ranking staff member who isn't afk gets it.
I mean. To be blunt if no LTGEN+ or SL were on. We just couldn't get Osuit auth whatsoever. So that'd just be an issue with the regular Osuit and not this update

That's what Firestorm is for. You get backed into a corner by SCPs, or can't get away from 076 because it's too fast and remaining in melee range, and you'd finally have a counter to it: short range explosive blast.
Oh believe me I support that
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