Accepted ISD Keycard Addition

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 9, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is to request the addition of the "Level 4 'Restricted'" Gray Keycard to the existing loadout of Senior Clearance 4 personnel in ISD.

At most, this change would affect a maximum total of 6 senior whitelisted members: the Director, Deputy Director, and four Commissioners.

I have mulled over this suggestion in my head for quite some time and I have spent time refining my idea by talking to a variety of people; Site Administration members, O-5 members, and former ISD Directors have provided helpful input to help me form my current request.

Originally, it began as "all clearance 4 personnel with disguise cards should have a restricted card," however, this would be a disaster for surface operations and was too broad. Then I wanted to change my request to all CL4 ISD personnel, however this group is too large to make that a fair request, and it would not fulfill some of my main objectives. Finally I landed on my current proposal. Originally, I also wanted to suggest that SI also be provided these cards, but it is not my place to make that suggestion.

Please see the "positives" section for further explanation.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

This has not been suggested before to my knowledge. However, I was informed by someone, I forgot who, that apparently these cards were originally going to be given to ISD, but just weren't. I'm hoping to change that, at least partially.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

My interpretation of 'the purpose of having a restricted card' has changed quite a bit since I started thinking about this. Here are some reasons I believe this implementation is an intelligent idea:

- Provides the listed individuals with the capability to mask or hide their department affiliation, especially and specifically when disguised. This is mostly useful when engaged in sensitive monitoring, observation, or when being ID-checked in a situation where revealing your department affiliation will spoil the purpose of your disguise (this happens more often than you may think).

- Provides the listed individuals with the capability to mask or hide their name and rank/role. This will provide an added layer of obscurity to SR. CL4 personnel when they are engaged in sensitive work. To clarify, I am NOT asking to provide ISD SR CL4 with the capability to just completely erase their identities or not have a public-facing representation of their identity. I understand part of the reason A/O specifically has this card is because they are permitted to have only a codename, and while I respect that and completely agree with its use-case, it's not relevant to my request. Hiding the name of SR. CL4 ISD personnel would be purely for safety and/or when necessary for an appropriate ISD-duty related purpose. I would still want them to possess their normal CL4 card for general identification purposes, especially if they are undisguised and operating 'as normal' (ISD is a public facing department, though it could use a tiny bit more obscurity).

These first two points are the ones I want to highlight most because I have routinely witnessed my high ranking personnel (including me, several times) get their cover blown because they were forced to pull out an ID due to a check. Most of the time, when ISD senior leadership is disguised, it's because we really really don't want people to know who we are, even (sometimes) including our own lower personnel for whom we are responsible for policing and monitoring the behavior of (e.g. one of our Commissioner positions has the direct responsibility of handling internal discipline and conduct matters).

Additional positive points include:

- There is minimal risk to card loss;

-- Senior ISD leadership does not travel the forsaken winter-lands of the surface

-- The senior leadership team is a small group of 6 (max) individuals who are no more or less likely to die and drop their gray card than any other combative gray-card holder (yes, at times, I've found them just laying on the ground).

- The provisioning of cards to additional groups aside from A/O will provide much needed OBSCURITY to the gray-cards themselves.

-- In OOC terms, it is no secret that only certain A/O have these cards, so when people see them, it's not much of a guessing game as to who you're ID checking, which truly defeats most of the point.

-- In IC terms, people who are generally observant of others could hypothetically begin to piece together when and where they see these cards. People do notice disguises sometimes. I have no doubt that if CI tried, they could genuinely gather enough IC intel to make a reasonable conclusion as to who does and does not have a gray card. Therefore, providing them to a few more people may provide added obscurity which will actually reinforce their secrecy and obscurity (meaning A/O will actually be MORE 'secretive' when using these cards, because it'll be harder to tell who they are).
\\ Very stupid analogy: If every cop drives a marked sedan, but the president's security drives unmarked SUVs, it's pretty easy to figure out who the president's security is after you pay attention for more than a few days. However if a few additional officers, that actually have their own uses for those unmarked SUVs, also drive them, then suddenly it becomes much harder to figure out who is who.

Lastly, this is merely a loadout change for 2 in-game roles, so it's implementation would be simpler than a more extravagant request.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

One possibility is that it just ends up being underutilized, though that may be addressed with proper counseling to the recipients about what the card's appropriate use-cases and purpose is.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe that this relatively small change may provide a very useful tool to the senior leadership team of ISD without genuinely detracting or reducing any benefits from those who already have and use the card. I understand that sometimes features are "made for certain groups" or "certain use cases" and that some may not necessarily want to share those tools/items, but I truly think this small change could provide a benefit if it was just given a chance.

Thank you for your time :)
Apr 4, 2023
Why do you need this?
Why do YOU need it? They've explained why they want/need it in this post, lets hear you say your side.

Bro, it's not hard to do a keycard flash/hug a door to open it.
If I see someone purposefully hiding their ID like this I will ID check them, hell it's more of a reason to do so
If I see someone purposefully hiding their ID like this I will ID check them, hell it's more of a reason to do so
They're not supposed to see you do it, and I've done it for over 2 years and never been ID checked once for it specifically.

Plus whenever I see IA get caught as IA it's because of other things, like not acting their role (being in D-Block as DEA, not running test as a Cadet/Guard) their weapons (P90 when they had it), or the fact they're a chef running around with a cl3+ out vs quickly opening the door and swapping off keycard.

Best way to do it is
A. Hug the keypad and quickly double tap your previous weapon key to pull gun to keycard to gun quickly
B. Pull out keys and do A but quicker
C. Use a disguise that makes sense to have the CL you are holding
D. Stand at the door, face out to the Kepad which normally hides the keycard behind your body.
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Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
Also the restricted Keycards are often not accepted unless you undisguise. It's a RP thing not a magic fixit for people figuring out you're disguised.
this is fact checked by a1 patriots aka people just dont use the restricted keycard, its dropable so anybody can have it when an A1/O1 specialist dies so we just dont accept the keycard 🙏 what im trying to say the keycard doesnt actully do anything
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Reactions: Kevin Ki
Dec 25, 2023
The fact that currently only A/O-1 roles have the keycard is baffling to me as I assumed the whole idea of it was to further classify them and make people unaware of their real identity, therefore I think adding it to the higher groups of ISD would be good.

Currently if you see the card you instantly know its an AO, truly this shouldn't be the case in my eyes - so this would be a good idea.
At most, this change would affect a maximum total of 6 senior whitelisted members: the Director, Deputy Director, and four Commissioners.
Considering you believe there to be a deputy director position in ISD it is safe to say that your ideas on how ISD can be improved are invalid, if you refuse to even know how a department functions at the current time I do not believe that your ideas for changing it can be of any actual benefit
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Well-known Member
Jan 3, 2025
If you’re disguised and getting ID checked to the point that you would need to show the restricted card, you’ve already failed at your mission.
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