Recent content by ψ XTS ψ

  1. ψ XTS ψ

    Blacklist Amnesty - XTS

    Your in-game name: XTS Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:638030015 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: 12/28/2024 Who blacklisted you (if known): grizzly Johnathan doe To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: "cheating" List any...
  2. ψ XTS ψ

    Blacklist Amnesty - XTS

    Your in-game name: XTS Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:638030015 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: 1/20/2025 Who blacklisted you (if known): grizzly To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: "Cheating" ban evading List any...
  3. ψ XTS ψ

    This guy sold me fent behind site 65

    This guy sold me fent behind site 65
  4. ψ XTS ψ

    He sold me fent behind the gas station

    He sold me fent behind the gas station
  5. ψ XTS ψ

    NVGs are mounted on players head when collected

    It was latency issues for the DEA 0:40 clip but ofc they will call hacks I seen other people have the same thing
  6. ψ XTS ψ

    Rule Suggestion Make /me strips weapons powergame

    If they listen to the community and add a strip swep then this would be powergaming But I need to -sup this
  7. ψ XTS ψ

    NVGs are mounted on players head when collected

    Me and you predicted my ban lol
  8. ψ XTS ψ

    Denied Changes to Perma Weapons

    +support also FN2000 is a bullpup assault rifle
  9. ψ XTS ψ

    NVGs are mounted on players head when collected

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds NVG model on players head when collected Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Realism You can see if they have NVGs on them if they are...
  10. ψ XTS ψ

    SCP breaches are so ungodly annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah I won. I beat the whole game actually
  11. ψ XTS ψ

    SCP breaches are so ungodly annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    y e s you should respect yo elders boy. I have more hours
  12. ψ XTS ψ

    SCP breaches are so ungodly annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can join e-11 and help you, I wish I can but you know why SCP breaches are bad but when you master the SCPS you find it ez to kill/rc SCPS
  13. ψ XTS ψ

    Dclass are useless

    That's right, thank you for sharing your opinion on this matter
  14. ψ XTS ψ

    Dclass are useless

    Now to think about it the tool part makes it seems scary because a group will decide if they want to take or give you the rights and because of that the world will become a upvote or down vote system There is even a movie that simulates this but it is if people want to give you a down vote or...