I know this guy since like 3 or 2 years, an di can say this guy is a great mf for a mod, he is mature, he has great rule knowledge and the community know him well, even tho he did troll a bit back in the day with his warnings, everyone was young back then but now we are all matured and...
Doesn't matter how long ago it was you practically act the same, and no shi solo wrti is better but I'm talking about the tanks you take out solo that time or not even telling and always losing them
Through my time when KAZ was COL in 17th, you seemed VERY agressive and rude, example whenever the THAT base raid happend all you did is just yell at people and whenever i told you to shut up and go with the war orders you decided to go even mad, you didnt even do that good job in 17TH...
Gentlemen, it has been given to us the unfortunate news that Mister "SL" Has decided to stop base rdms out of the sudden when literally all of the SL dont mind it cause the server has fun with it BUT HERES THE THING? but it was just a CS that never played MRP and only scp that visited this...
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