Recent content by Adam Haze

  1. Adam Haze

    rip city

    rip city
  2. Adam Haze


    Hello and merry christmas ?‍?
  3. Adam Haze

    Adam Haze's Discord Ban Appeal

    Your Discord name & tag: ᗩᗪᗩᗰ-ᕼᗩᘔE#6872 What server is this for, DarkRP or MRP?: Darkrp possibly, not entirely sure with the new discords; it definitely wasn't mrp. Date of ban (if known): 24/12/2021 Reason for ban (if known): "trolling general chat asking is server died when it actively has...
  4. Adam Haze

    Epicstorm's Goodbye

  5. Adam Haze

    this the same Crossen that played on Vision Star Wars RP?

    this the same Crossen that played on Vision Star Wars RP?
  6. Adam Haze

    what is the meaning of life

    The meaning of life, or the answer to the question: "What is the meaning of life?", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general. Many other related questions include: "Why are we here?", "What is life all about?", or "What is the purpose of existence?" There have been many...
  7. Adam Haze

    Hydro is the best staff member to ever exist.

    Cope > Any other staff member ever
  8. Adam Haze

    Leaving for 4 months *cope remix*

  9. Adam Haze

    I am Rick Mcking

  10. Adam Haze

    [MRP] Scavenging and cooking guide

  11. Adam Haze

    [CC] Advanced Chemist Tutorial

    Hello, Following the last tutorial made on the old forums I've decided to make a new, more detailed one here on how to manufacture methamphetamine using the advanced chemist. A car is highly recommended I personally would chose the quad for this line of work, this is a fairly simple tutorial...