Recent content by Aleem Abdul

  1. Aleem Abdul

    Moderator Application

    -support, you didnt even know how to call a sit 3 days ago, you were under the map killing people which shows you do not know the rules, i also have doubts about the age you put as you do not sound 15… you can definitely get staff one day as your quite active just learn the rules and play for longer
  2. Aleem Abdul

    Accepted ka-52 debuff/remove

    -Support, i disagree
  3. Aleem Abdul

    Alexanders Moderator Application

    +support you seem like a good fit and i dont have anything bad to say about you
  4. Aleem Abdul

    Stefan's Demotion Appeal

    +support -very competent staff member -previous admin experience
  5. Aleem Abdul

    Chins Demotion Appeal

    +support active and friendly man
  6. Aleem Abdul

    Trickster Moderator Application

    +SUPPORT + Active + Spanish for diversity
  7. Aleem Abdul

    Saphira Harlow Resignation Appeal

    +Support However 'board' of the server worries me as a HMOD should be able to spell, I hope you learn and fix this issue.
  8. Aleem Abdul

    Alex's Leaving post

    also just realised im now alone in resource team, it will be so hard to hold down the fort while your gone :cry:
  9. Aleem Abdul

    Alex's Leaving post

    you better do ur yearly return otherwise ill be highly offended, nato may never win another baseraid without your help (:sneaky:) love you alex please come back one day
  10. Aleem Abdul

    TND. Total Nato Death.

    TND. Total Nato Death.
  11. Aleem Abdul

    Rainbow Dash's Moderator Application

    +support Where to start, what an amazing guy, asset to the server, could only improve the staff team and is a really friendly and approachable guy. Knows the rules perfectly and a nearly spotless warn/ban record. Please accept. Also make sure to not ignore the fact he was a community manager in...
  12. Aleem Abdul

    Denied Remove the mega bases and go back to the standard bases that used to be on highlands.

    +support the base raids are not fun when the only ways into the base are to scale a 100ft wall or hack through doors which will be instantly closed the highlands baseraids are not fun at all
  13. Aleem Abdul

    Accepted Sniper Ping

    -support its already easy to play sniper its not fun to play against it doesnt need any sort of buff its a good idea i just really dont think sniper needs any buffs :cry:
  14. Aleem Abdul

    Sandwalkers Dev app/Dev Appeal

    +Support good work ethic
  15. Aleem Abdul

    Denied Revert the rule change 2.06

    It does not mean that it just keeps enemies of ur point in pre-war idk where you got the idea that a threat is no longer a threat, its a rule clarification that isnt thought out and is abused every single war.