Recent content by Alpha rest

  1. Alpha rest

    [Alpha Rest CN level designer Application]

    In-game name on all servers you play: Alpha rest for all servers -Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:579975155 -Age: 18 -For how long have you played on our servers?: 2020 -What country are you from?: United kingdom -Time Zone: BST -Do you have a mic?: yes -Is this your first application for Mapper? If...
  2. Alpha rest

    Denied Lower damage grenades do to tanks

    +support but wont happen as the chance of all the tanks being reworked but as for now go fund me for froggers computer lol
  3. Alpha rest

    Alpha rests [Level designer application]

    I've separated what I've made from scratch in different albums above
  4. Alpha rest

    Alpha rests [Level designer application]

    I've added in game images to
  5. Alpha rest

    Alpha rests [Level designer application]

    I worked on creating this map during live Discord sessions where I shared my screen. A lot of the design decisions were influenced by conversations with the people watching. Their feedback enhancing the map's details and overall balanceing if it was in mrp. It was a collaborative process, and...
  6. Alpha rest

    Accepted Completely rework the trainee system

    +support -but may cause less rp
  7. Alpha rest

    Partially Accepted make a rule against shield blocking vehicles

    You cant always drive around if there is 1 way inand out a point
  8. Alpha rest

    Accepted Minor CMission Change

    Inflation woooo
  9. Alpha rest

    Accepted New charms

    Charms and better scopes i beg
  10. Alpha rest

    Denied Nerf Guns

    No clue about guns mate
  11. Alpha rest

    Alpha rests [Level designer application]

    It manually shows the VIS that the visleafs inside a area
  12. Alpha rest

    Alpha rests [Level designer application]

    From what i know about what your referring too reduces time of compile optimisation tool linked to vis func viscluster and it should be placed in areas where visibility calculation are most time consuming
  13. Alpha rest

    Alpha rests [Level designer application]

    That image was from last year, and I've since updated the post I've had 2 mapper applications up sense then. Additionally, I've used buildings from other maps as learning tools—not to copy, but to understand and improve upon. I've added an image to my Flickr to showcase the buildings I've edited.
  14. Alpha rest

    Alpha rests [Level designer application]

    oh I remember this being brought up the image you have highlighted was a petrol station from the map fork that I brought over to my map as I thought it was perfect to show my lighting i have now removed it from my map as I've used what I needed from it to expand on my lighting knowledge I've...
  15. Alpha rest

    Denied kwk change

    btw its been impossible to play atm due to so many kwks being used and there is no way to avoid them except just not being there doesn't help on top of that constant cas every now and again