Recent content by Ant Middleton

  1. Ant Middleton

    Accepted Nerf ka52 cannon

    +Support Give JAF a fighting chance.
  2. Ant Middleton

    Denied RMP G3 Bearcat v2

    Updated boss.
  3. Ant Middleton

    Denied RMP G3 Bearcat v2

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: I made a previous suggestion which was denied due to skin quality so I went away and had a custom skin made for it. I present to you Royal Military Police bearcat:
  4. Ant Middleton

    Denied New RMP Skins

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add new RMP Skin Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not I believe so. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2)...
  5. Ant Middleton

    Denied Adding RMP/AOR vehicle

    Hi Sorry, am struggling to see why that is -Support? Could you elaborate? I dont understand why you would -1 a application because a previous idea was never finished.
  6. Ant Middleton

    Denied Adding RMP/AOR vehicle

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: I am proposing that we give both sides the Bearcat G3 which is equipped with lights and sirens to allow RMP to better RP.
  7. Ant Middleton

    'Ghost' NHC Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63766394 Discord name: Jbone26 For how long have you played on MRP: Since 2021 Age: 21 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: GMT NATO name (regiment and rank): 'Ghost' NWO name (regiment and rank): N/A Civilian...
  8. Ant Middleton

    Accepted New SAS skin change

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Change the SAS skins from what they are now to what they were on OG Highland. Links provided below to have a look: (This is his most updated version of his original skins, may be worth...