Recent content by Anthony "Pilot"

  1. Anthony "Pilot"

    Partially Accepted AO Operative Gun Change

    Just no, we haven’t been asking for the AN94 to be removed for all the issues it caused just to give it to all the enlisteds
  2. Anthony "Pilot"

    [UK] Broda's Ethics Committee Member Application

    +Support Perfect candidate without doubts
  3. Anthony "Pilot"

    [UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

    +Support - Detailed application - A lot of CL5 experience - Being a GM helps a lot - Support from the current A-1 CO team Can’t wait to see the “breaking the FLC speed run”
  4. Anthony "Pilot"

    Accepted Modify how breaches work

    +Support Goated suggestion
  5. Anthony "Pilot"

    Denied Remove A-1/O-1 from SOP

    Is extremely rare to see ISD (at least O1) take over SOP, ISD is usually there to help DEA or Nu7. Seems like IC issue ngl
  6. Anthony "Pilot"

    Pending Review Change O-1 Commander shotgun

    Maybe US has different stats but the AN94 is a solid weapon with similar stats to the EBR, never had a big problem with it
  7. Anthony "Pilot"

    [UK] Assassin's SGM demotion appeal

    +Support The events hosted by Assassin were always of a high quality and a lot of time has passed since his removal.
  8. Anthony "Pilot"

    Goodbye my friends, it's not the end

    dis guy?
  9. Anthony "Pilot"

    [UK] O5-2 'The Eidolon' (2)

    Peak Application
  10. Anthony "Pilot"

    [UK] O5-1 'The Sovereign' (2) Application

    Nah the absolute goat is here, lets hope no tanks spawn in Dblock
  11. Anthony "Pilot"

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    SC/ISD should have a lot less impact on the server as they shouldn't be involved in every little thing that happens in site and is something that should be looked into it with more detail by SL/NL. The suggestion just seems like a complain on ISD/SC and show that you have not much understanding...
  12. Anthony "Pilot"

    "Moon" OSA Application

  13. Anthony "Pilot"

    [UK] Cece - Ethics Committee Member

    +Support Cece is the owner of the ECA job