Recent content by Aphex

  1. Aphex

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Alex Bones

    +Support Alex is very cool and was very good as a SL in the past, I have no doubt he wouldn't be an excellent GM, however, this is a pretty lackluster application. A lot of the events aren't very well described in how they would be performed / executed, and I personally don't like many of the...
  2. Aphex

    Network Leadership required Create an Event Server to be used for Major Events.

    it would be so based and cool +support But in all seriousness, having a different server for major/map change events is a good idea and I personally think it would make map change events actually feasible. This server has had 1 map change event for the entire time it has been running, and that...
  3. Aphex

    Jason M. GM Appeal

    +support very based
  4. Aphex

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Broda (2)

    +support the relapse is real
  5. Aphex

    [UK] O5-3 'The Zealot'

    +support is cool i guess
  6. Aphex

    Denied Add DBD-like perks.

    Muffled Stride = Shitty Iron Will Panic Surge = Shitty Overcome Card Glitch = nothing dbd like this, I guess you could go for Wake up Death's Defiance = Dead Hard but never gonna happen Miracle Pulse = Delayed Mettle of Man SCP Alert = Reverse object and worse Tesla Dampener = Enduring but for...
  7. Aphex

    Denied Add DBD-like perks.

    my dbd ptsd... please dont come back...
  8. Aphex

    Denied Little Things & possible SCPs

    when tf were u a dev
  9. Aphex

    Hoi4 or Europa Universalis?

  10. Aphex

    Accepted Add cigarettes and liquor

  11. Aphex

    Denied Remove peoples ability to force bleed out.

    I remember at some point in the past it was FailRP to give up while someone was actively healing you & saying something along the lines of "don't give up". I'm unsure of why this ruling was changed outside of reducing kidnappings, since back then you could also revive kidnap. Would make more...
  12. Aphex

    Partially Accepted Scranton Reality Anchor Cooldown Change

    Wouldn't this get fixed if we remove the cooldown AND removed all scrantons from jobs that spawn with them? I understand why it wouldn't make sense but a cooldown for something that already has a cooldown is kinda ridiculous. -/+ Neutral
  13. Aphex

    Delayed Leaving Post

    hawk tuah