Recent content by Archsam

  1. Archsam

    Denied Add weapon equip delay but keep FearRP

    I want the FearRP to stay, I just want to stop dying from someone in an instant that is next to me when they have nothing out, Like the weapon delay could only be two seconds
  2. Archsam

    Denied Add weapon equip delay but keep FearRP

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Weapon equip delay from CC Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Improves RP by not being able to in an instant take out an weapon and shoot someone to death Creates risk taking out weapons in public with PD being nearby which is...
  3. Archsam

    Accepted Bank Manager Limit

    +Support One bank is not enough
  4. Archsam

    Erick's CGSF Application

    +Support +Great RP +Active +Done pretty well raiding +Is in TS Honestly you fit the bill perfectly for CGSF, I wish you luck
  5. Archsam

    Fredster's Moderator Application

    il leave an +support here + I have seen you an decent ammount ingame + Seen you in teamspeak + I havent directly talked to you but you have seemed nice ingame + Always good to have staff experience I don't really see why not to give you an chance to join our staff team
  6. Archsam

    ban for... reason?

    You need to format your appeal in this if you want an chance for it to be reviewed Your in-game name: Your SteamID: Your steam community link: Date of ban: What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Who banned you: Ban length?: What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or...
  7. Archsam

    Accepted Prevent multiple skullbreakers/marauders working together in gang wars

    +Support I would like to see that only 1 marauder or skullbreaker is allowed per gang in a Gang War
  8. Archsam

    Accepted Contract Update

    +Support I dont see why not
  9. Archsam

    Gian Carlo's 2nd CGSF Application

    Neutral + Seen you ingame - Not seen you in TS /Have not seen your combat and RP skills
  10. Archsam

    Mrwhite's mod application

    Neutral but leaning support +Active in game - Have not seen you in TS + Seems like a nice guy + Decent enough of an application
  11. Archsam

    Accepted Alphabet in props

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It adds all numbers and letters as props Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Grants us builders a new brand new set of tools being able to be used for building A new unique...
  12. Archsam

    Ellie's Resignation Appeal

    /Neutral / I have only seen you a few times ingame and i have not interracted with you + Great application / Not seen in TS Talk to me ingame so i can get to know you a bit more
  13. Archsam

    Flames' CGSF Application

    +Support + Active + Has been CGSF before + Great guy to have along in an raid
  14. Archsam

    CGSF Application

    Since i have seen no CGSF online for 3+ Hours i decided to just make 2 short clips of different situations on how i handle them Open carry incident where i have great situation awareness Suspected meth lab which shows my ability to gather up a squad fast and to make plans Sudden shooting...
  15. Archsam

    CGSF Application

    Saw you ingame but you were an citizen