Recent content by AS3MAN

  1. AS3MAN

    Accepted Make snipers worth using

    MEGA +Support, it how snipers were like this before, and the only reason people could complain was due to gun recoil. Now that you can get beamed from across the map, that point is no longer an issue. The idea that snipers are op is wrong, and if you think that, I actually feel sorry for the...
  2. AS3MAN

    Denied Revert Snipers to not need combat score

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Allows someone to use a sniper without the need to combat score Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Probably, I love the sniper always have; however, recently, I have hated using the sniper as I can...
  3. AS3MAN

    Alex NHC application.

  4. AS3MAN

    AS3MAN'S Mod Application 3.0

    Code: Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):lilTed vote_trummmmp How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):4W 6D 1HR Age:18 In what country are you located?:England Time zone:British Summer time NATO name (regiment and rank):CPL AS3MAN USSR name...
  5. AS3MAN

    AS3MAN Staff Application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):vote_trummmmp How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):4 weeks 3 days and 21 hours Age:17 In what country are you located?: eNGLAND Time zone:GMT NATO name (regiment and rank):ASSS3MAN USSR name (regiment and...
  6. AS3MAN

    AS3MAN'S Staff application

    I'll take it. The warning things just show up blank so guess I have no warnings or it glitched.
  7. AS3MAN

    AS3MAN'S Staff application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):ASSMAN For how long have you played on CG MRP:Dunno like 200 hours Age:18 In what country are you located?:England Time zone:GMT NATO name (regiment and rank):AS3MAN USSR name (regiment and rank):Lance AS3STRONG Civilian name:Anne Frank...
  8. AS3MAN

    How many Civil Gamers have gym memberships

    I have a max bench of 120kg and a deadlift of 100kg for reps haven't tried max but never done leg press I have a 40ft verticle and am 2ft 1 btw Yo no one can go toe to toe with me am just built different
  9. AS3MAN

    How many Civil Gamers have gym memberships

    ONGOD Juice WRLD - Armed & Dangerous Best song in the world If you play Garry's mod and go gym you a CHAD besides roach who is like 84 years old and counting. Yo what is your max bench I'll match it .
  10. AS3MAN

    vasily's UHC app

    Deez nuts +Support
  11. AS3MAN

    30K's NHC Application

    This is a male that I would like to see lead the wars. Although I want to smash my headset every time he ear rapes me when I play marksman the man is built like Dwayne the Pebble. Highlight why I said Pebble; a Pebble symbolises something much more than a rock, a rock is heavy has many uses but...