Recent content by Asmodeus

  1. Asmodeus

    Sebastian Stain's Inspector App. [USA]

    Hello Sebastian please join the Civil Networks Discord as it is a requirement for holding a CL4
  2. Asmodeus

    Rule Suggestion ( Content and Rule ) Making the 22415s useful again

    +Support, good suggestion and yeah 22415 being able to RP more around site is great
  3. Asmodeus

    Accepted ISD Keycard Addition

    +Support, disguising is a fucking pain with keycards showing who you are all the time
  4. Asmodeus

    [USA] Crushes ECA Application.

    +Support, Obviously
  5. Asmodeus

    [USA] 'Lawman' Dredd's DoISD Return

    THE RETURN, I CANNOT FATHOM HOW MUCH I SUPPORT THIS GUY +Gargantuan support - has always pulled through when needed - was the best commissioner from the first generation, - Highly respected - Juggled both HMOD and SA - did massive reforms and kept ISD extremely active and professional when...
  6. Asmodeus

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Asmodeus

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA) Your Username: Asmodeus Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:150626263 Discord Username: asmodeus2 Age: 20 What's your current playtime: 2d 7hours (Short because of last month work craze) Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: Asmodeus 'King'...
  7. Asmodeus

    [USA] Kito / Cats ECM App

    I can maybe shed abit of insight on it, I know how frustrating -supports without a reason is lol I was recently shown a clip of you feeding MC&D to 096 for no reason and although funny doesnt show well for Ethics members. Other then that though I'm not sure what else the -Supports could be but...
  8. Asmodeus

    [USA] Asmodeus 2nd Ethics Committee Application

    List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Ethics Assistant - Held Overseer Assistant - Held GOC SPC - Held MTF Nu7 LCP - Held MTF E11 SGT - Held IA Ambassador - Held Game Master - Held SCP-096 - Holding SCP-22415 - Holding CI-A - Held ISD Inspector - Holding ISD...
  9. Asmodeus

    [USA] Bob Loss' Ethics Member Application

    Holy Macaroni! ITS THE FUCKING BOB + Mega Support - Has been extremely helpful helping me read over different policies before i post me - A loyal friend I can count on to help me in game and out - Has always been a serious ethics man - very goofy and yet serious when needed - at this point...
  10. Asmodeus

    [SCPRP-USA] Enochs ECM App

    -support, dont be selfish enoch let others have a chance man +Support, hate to say it but bro can cook
  11. Asmodeus

    [USA] Fanta's Ethics Member Application

    Okay guys calm down, I think Ethics might be back +Mega Support
  12. Asmodeus

    [USA] Adam 'Red' Renkov's Ethics Committee Member Application

    +Support, Hes gonna save the committee 🙏🙏
  13. Asmodeus

    [USA] Bob Loss' Overseer Assistant Application

    +Support, Its Bob Loss Yo
  14. Asmodeus

    [USA] Recker's Overseer Assistant Application

    +Mega Support, oh how the mighty have fallen 😂. i mean if they deny this i dont think anyone else deserves OSA