Recent content by Astolfo

  1. Astolfo

    Denied Tank Shell Change

    +support i know your ass got all this inspiration from war thunder
  2. Astolfo

    [MRP] Jack G Resignation Appeal

    +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support +support...
  3. Astolfo

    MrGhost's second NHC application

    some fucking idiot (chillet...) removed my message just because i made 1 comment regarding another reply so ill post it again without that comment (literally removing a whole verdict just for a comment :D) -support i wasnt really gonna -support but after seeing the blackmailing clip and other...
  4. Astolfo

    Denied Sniper Cooldown

  5. Astolfo

    Denied Add a Battlepass to MRP

    i love timmy!
  6. Astolfo

    POV GMOD: Kill 1000 Baddies

    you the type of guy that i imagine when i think of someone that unironically listens to phonk, tries looksmaxxing exercises from tiktok and keeps talking about how they are gonna enter they winter arc this year
  7. Astolfo

    Denied Add a Battlepass to MRP

    +support only if its for free otherwise -support paid battlepasses suck, whereas if it was free it would keep everyone grinding on the server not just the ones that paid
  8. Astolfo

    Denied Change USSR Rank Symbols to NWO Symbols

    -support no
  9. Astolfo

    20s NBA GOAT hot takes only

    still cant believe the nets pay him 40 mil every year just for him to stay at home 😭🙏
  10. Astolfo

    Denied Temp perma weapons

    just testing the damage and spread and stuff in the sim room is not enough to determine whether you like a weapon or not, i have bought some perma weapons that in the simroom seemed good but then i used them in war and i hated it, sometimes its not about the stats but how a weapon feels to use...
  11. Astolfo

    Partially Accepted Change AG/SAS

    +support i love you jack g
  12. Astolfo

    Economy reset is an Ancient myth

    not even i have that
  13. Astolfo

    It was fun...

    double u oh double u