Recent content by Athena

  1. Athena

    Lyra's NHC Application

    Neutral to +1 Lyra, you probably knew I would not give a complete +1 for you. Mainly the reason is the lack of effort in your application and your activity on the server. While your activity is not terrible, it could be better. Currently we need active NHC, so I am hoping you pick up your...
  2. Athena

    Dr Drew's NHC application

    Neutral I unfortunately do not have much to say here. I do not really know you and haven't seen you do much. By what I have heard, you have experience in several regiments, which is always a plus. You seem active and mature, you also really helped me out this morning by building FOBs with me...
  3. Athena

    Jimothy Leaderson's 2nd NHC Application

    Neutral I will quote what I said on your previous application here: Most of my previous points stand. I have heard that you've improved in the maturity and professionalism aspect of my criticism, which is always good. Thus, I will be giving you a neutral vote based on that majority of people...
  4. Athena

    Brian Bell Resignation Appeal

    +Support Brian is quite the character, if I can say so myself. Just yesterday he committed vehicular manslaughter on me. I was just minding my own business when he drove straight into me with a truck, probably going way over the speed limit. The truck's front hit my back as I flew straight...
  5. Athena

    Jimothy Leaderson's NHC Application

    -Support Unfortunately for you it's going to be A HEAVY negative support. I am sorry Jimothy but you just are not ready for NHC. You sure are active and friendly, but that's where my positives end. Literally just two days ago you got striked by LTCOL Connor due to unprofessionalism, gross insub...
  6. Athena

    Mr Doofy's NHC Application

    *Athena has arrived to inspect your grammar* +Support My very first +support I have given to anyone. Not many negatives that can be said about you Doofy. You are a lovely lad and I always feel like I can talk to you freely without you going around and sharing whatever I have told you. You have...
  7. Athena

    Walter Pieceburys NHC Application

    -Support Sorry Walter, but I am going to have to give you a -1. This is probably going to be my shortest feedback as I do not have many negatives to say, the issue is that you have not done enough to make yourself worthy of this position as of now. You are very much mature and friendly, and...
  8. Athena

    Sandwalkers NHC application

    -1 Support Alright, where do we start? Sandwalker, you do have quite a lot of experience on the server and in leadership roles. You have been here for way longer than me and involved with leadership a lot more, but that is sort of where my positives end. I have been the 17th general for close...
  9. Athena

    Dukem's NHC App

    Neutral to +1 (my favourite Danish man) Dukem, I can't come up with many things to criticize you for. You have so much experience already within MRP, in fact, you have been around for almost a year longer than me. As the royal military police colonel, you were always out there working on...
  10. Athena

    MRP staff team

  11. Athena

    Matt's UHC Application

    Alright, so, where do we start. First of all, I am going to go ahead and say this is not "targeted" or because I have a vendetta against someone. I do not really care if people have wronged me, and when it comes to my feedback for any position, I look at it objectively, not with what I think of...
  12. Athena

    30K's NHC Application: Attempt #2

    -Support It is unfortunate that I still have to give you a minus despite the fact that some of my negatives have been corrected, though more have also arisen. Last time I stated that you were way too new, just having received the rank of a 1LT. Now you have been around for a decent amount of...
  13. Athena

    ISAF MAJ Spoopi NHC Application

    spoop spoop Neutral Hi Spoopi. I already did sort of explain my concerns to you before, but I may as well write them down here so they have been officially stated. You have proven yourself to be able to lead, and while I have not personally experienced your war leading, by what I have heard...
  14. Athena

    30K's NHC Application

    I am just going to go ahead and point out the biggest issue in your reply. You claim 30k has led two successful wars, one leading to a base raid and on even numbers, or has he? To this I say no. I have been present both times and know exactly what happened. Yesterday I allowed him to lead a war...
  15. Athena

    30K's NHC Application

    -1 Support Hi 30K, While you in fact seem like a good person with good activity and a very well-written application, I think you need a bit more time before you should become NHC. You just became 1LT, and it would be unfair to -1 other applicants for being a fresh 1LT and give you a +1 even...