Auburn's latest activity

  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread WITHDRAWN.
    Withdrawn at request of applicant
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Tabuk's (Corpse) Application.
    You do not appear to have applicable experience to apply to the returnee program. The program is for old and long-term players with a...
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Oceanus' Returnee Application.
    After reading through the replies, reviewing clips, and speaking with fellow SL, I believe you are unsuited for the Returnee Program...
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Withdrawn.
    Locked as withdrawn by applicant
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread big jez returnee application.
    Cant help but notice you havent actually filled out the Desired regiment question. What regiment are you looking to enter?
  • Auburn
    Auburn reacted to Zakariya's post in the thread Bobby1 Application with Like Like.
    neutral You just stepped down from RC due to your activity and now you are making a returnee application. The primary purpose of this...
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Withdrawn.
    Closed as withdrawn by the applicant.
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Returnee Questions Thread.
    NHC will be consulted, but at the end of the day the program has been initiated because the regiments are in a poor state. We will try...
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Returnee Questions Thread.
    I'd like to leave this open for at least a month, with applications reviewed each week the program is active for. I have not decided...
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Returnee Questions Thread.
    1. Will be discussed with NHC throughout the process, both prior to accepting applications and during review periods 2. Anyone (I mean...
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Returnee Questions Thread.
    Every application comes with an interview before being decided on. If a player wants to enter the program they will be put in at the...
  • Auburn
    Ask questions here, Ill do my best to answer them
  • Auburn
    Auburn replied to the thread Accepted ISD Keycard Addition.
    Ive been mulling this over for a while now, ever since the keycards got added to AO. Ill mark this as accepted and add them to the isd...
  • Auburn
    really depends. Are you gonna continue to be a nuisance and downvote every change that gets posted in there?
  • Auburn
    Application Format & Guidelines 1. Recruitment rules You must read these recruitment rules, or you may have your application...