Recent content by beamiest

  1. beamiest

    Sun Ra's reign shall never end

    The sun god Sun Ra is taking me to a better place now. I cannot speak much more or I will be silenced further but you must know that if you too want to join Sun Ra and become a follower make your journey to Qinling mountains and we will retrieve you. The sun legion may have taken a big hit but...
  2. beamiest

    What is going on

    Aah I see we are posting funny picture I will post one that makes me chuckle The player count especially makes me giggle
  3. beamiest

    Accepted Remove the blood splat after getting a kill/getting killed.

    You can turn it off in the Q menu at the top right
  4. beamiest

    What is going on

    I just want to know why forum posts are being deleted and people are being banned from the forums for trolling when the posts concerned are in general discussion and arent causing any harm. I know this will probably get deleted and I will get a forum ban but that just further emphasises the...
  5. beamiest

    Denied Add spawn props perms for AOR/RMP CPT+

    CPT isnt a reg command rank
  6. beamiest


  7. beamiest

    Denied Cameras

    Feel like I have seen this before
  8. beamiest

    Accepted Tank Regiment Rp improvements

    Same reason all the other accepted suggestions arent added
  9. beamiest

    Accepted Tank Regiment Rp improvements

    This has already been suggested and accepted multiple times
  10. beamiest

    Denied Ground Conquest war type

    Massive + support The war we had with no vehicles was actually really nice and refreshing for once. Obviously vehicle regiments are slightly down in what they can do but this wont happen often
  11. beamiest

    Accepted [MRP] Wanted/ AOS system

    You might as well give them arrest batons at this point if this is the route you want to take the police regiments down
  12. beamiest

    Denied Give base AA cannon back

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add the base AA cannon back Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Allows us to combat helis when we have no friendly air support Gives us another method of combating helis as there is not much apart from other helis which is of much...
  13. beamiest

    Denied [MRP] Remove FearRping to unlock vehicles inside of base

    +support There was a reason that this was never a thing before
  14. beamiest

    Accepted Replace M14 with BTR80A

    Duplicate suggestion
  15. beamiest

    1stAL COL Michiel Hoofbabski's Supreme Council Application

    1stAL is already fucked losing a COL would make it even worse