Recent content by BenShapiro

  1. BenShapiro

    [MRP] Anakins NHC App

    Dear @Anakin Skywalker We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position. We are pleased to inform you that our team has reviewed your application, and we are in agreement that you are eligible to move to the next stage. We appreciate the time and effort you put into your...
  2. BenShapiro

    Accepted Add back Text to voice lines

  3. BenShapiro

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Ben Shapiro

    Your Username: Ben Shapiro Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:625356577 Discord Username: b3ngiskhan Age: 22 What's your current playtime: Past month 2 days 14 hours but I had a 1 week LOA. Total hours is too many. Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: SHA SSGT Ben Shapiro NHC LTGEN Ben...
  4. BenShapiro

    Accepted dont change SHA model

    Jesus christ.
  5. BenShapiro

    Hamood's UHC Application

    +Support, hes a cool guy.
  6. BenShapiro

    [UK] Steven Connor - GM Demotion Appeal

    +Support, the bucky is calling for you.
  7. BenShapiro

    James Krane DoIS Application [UK]

    +Support, he's a prick tho.
  8. BenShapiro

    Accepted Please add a button that allows us mass kick infantry privates that are 3+ days inactive

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Allows NHC/UHC to mass kick privates and trainees from the infantry page that are 3+ days inactive. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Don't think so. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least...
  9. BenShapiro

    Denied SHA model change

    Mean tbf until recently there hasn't been a lot of ISAF to complain about stuff and from what I remember when we had that model in SHA before a lot of people complained whenever we went to Backwater or Highlands because you stand out a lot from the background and you would in Vietnam too so it...
  10. BenShapiro

    Denied SHA model change

    Neutral Nostalgia makes me want to +support but it's painful to try dealing with SHA in Afghan with that uniform on. And once you're out of Afghan you can be seen everywhere, with the grey uniform you blend in a bit with highlands and backwater. Also good luck getting the uniform changed if...
  11. BenShapiro

    MrGhost's fourth NATO High Command Application

    Dear @mrghost , We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position. There are currently no spots open in NATO High Command for you to be able to hold a position, please re-apply when a position becomes available. Denied Once again, we would like to thank you for your...
  12. BenShapiro

    Eyes NHC Application

    Dear @Eyes , We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position. There are currently no spots open in NATO High Command for you to be able to hold a position, please re-apply when a position becomes available. Denied Once again, we would like to thank you for your...
  13. BenShapiro

    Dominic goodbye Civil gamers

    Good luck with everything