Recent content by Big Mike

  1. Big Mike

    Lawliet Researcher PAC-3

    why does he look like he's covered in shit
  2. Big Mike

    [UK] Big Mike's Internal Security Department Inspector Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:203933037 Discord name: Kriter#5288 For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since January 2022 Age: 23 turning 24 soon In what country are you located?: England, but i'm currently outside of united kingdom for a time being) Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Mikhail Brekker...
  3. Big Mike

    James Krane Inspector Application [UK]

    +Massive Support do i have to say why?
  4. Big Mike

    A Thesis on Santa Claus: Real or Fake.

    Didn't they find saint nicholas grave site in turkey?
  5. Big Mike

    Cabbages are calling me

    Cabbages are calling me
  6. Big Mike

    Cain Morris's 1st DoIS Application

    +Support Longest running ambassador The only problem.....he's irish
  7. Big Mike


  8. Big Mike

    Toaste is leaving!

    Goodbye toaste
  9. Big Mike

    [UK] O5-3 "The Obstinate"

    -Support WORSRT O5 EVER Jk +Support Romeo served a1 with excellent efficient being role model,friendly and interactable and competent he would be great as o5
  10. Big Mike

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    +Support -Most competent and reliable -Active -Excellent leadership -Epic Roleplayer As his predecessor charles has been contributed alot for the server and the IA department, i believe he would be excellent as chief of o5.
  11. Big Mike

    [UK] Harvey Bridger Site Advisor Application

    -Support This is from my pov -I never seen you do anything as captain, most of the time i see you in lcz unless code two is called -What is the contributed thing you did for gensec department - Activity is questionable as i haven't seen you for weeks tbh
  12. Big Mike

    Phill Dee's ECM Application #1 [SCPRP-UK]

    +Support Stated above