Recent content by blixer

  1. blixer

    [USA] Maurice Alton's 3rd Site Advisor Application

    +Support -LTCOM -Nice person
  2. blixer

    Denied Banana Bread

  3. blixer

    Pending Review Remove Sniper jobs

    +Support Make Chaos, Nu7, and GOC only have 1 sniper job instead of two, (you would be surprised how much this would change surface combat).
  4. blixer

    Denied Arion's MC&D Update Suggestion

    +Support MC&D suggestions that have been made (including mine) have mostly been denied so this will probably get denied unfortunately since they say they have had stuff planned for MC&D for a while.
  5. blixer

    [USA] "Berserker" 22415 App

    +Support Not enough experience
  6. blixer

    [USA] bonehead 22415 app

  7. blixer

    [USA] SCP-22415-1/2/3 Application

    +Support not enough experience
  8. blixer

    [US] Coral Lycensofts Medical Consultant Application (#2)

    +Support if coral dont get it I will resign from all my positions
  9. blixer

    Tony Stewarts SA application [USA].

    -/+ Neutral Support, Leaning towards +Support
  10. blixer

    "FullMoon"s 7th Site Advisor Application [USA]

    Why are you applying for Site Advisor? - I am applying for Site Advisor because I feel like I can do a lot more with that role than I could with ECA, Consultant, or MTF MAJ. I believe I can improve departments, help more people, and improve the site overall. I want to go up in the ranks of the...
  11. blixer

    [USA] Hank "Shank" Hughman's Resignation appeal

    +Support This man was the most genuine guy I've ever seen on CN get this man back or I resign from all my positions (totally real)
  12. blixer

    [USA] Bohemia's Special Agent Application

    Have never seen this guy on special agent but he A1 com so uhhhhhhhhhhh +Support
  13. blixer

    [US] Recker's DoIA Application

    +Support Nice guy....... only ambassador I see on besides Sledge, go for chairmen ong :skull: