Recent content by Bob "Knight" Loss

  1. Bob "Knight" Loss

    Accepted ISD Keycard Addition

  2. Bob "Knight" Loss

    [USA] Crushes ECA Application.

  3. Bob "Knight" Loss

    [USA] Bob 'Knight' Loss' 2nd Site Advisor Application

    Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I am applying for the position of Site Advisor considering my desire to take the next step in contributing to the Foundation on a broader scale. While I have gained valuable experience in my current roles, I believe this position will allow me to apply my...
  4. Bob "Knight" Loss

    SCP's should be able to breach when their doors are opened

    +Support, as long as every CC door is cl6
  5. Bob "Knight" Loss

    [USA] Fanta's Ethics Member Application

    +Support, W ethical person
  6. Bob "Knight" Loss

    [USA] Bob Loss' Ethics Member Application

    What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: I am applying for the role of Ethics Committee Member to enhance the presence of clearance 5 personnel within Site-65. Too often, these key personnel are unavailable on-site, which affects ethical oversight and decision-making. My goal is...
  7. Bob "Knight" Loss

    [USA] Bob Loss' Overseer Assistant Application

    [/COLOR][/SPOILER] What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I know what it requires to be an Assistant, I have been an ECA for almost 6 months and during that time I've learned what it takes to be an assistant. In the past I have managed to maintain a neutral face toward the...
  8. Bob "Knight" Loss


  9. Bob "Knight" Loss

    [USA] Walter Unrich's Chairman Application (The Opposition)

    -Support, you may have been a ECM in the past but I personally think you should not be the current chairman