Recent content by Bohemia

  1. Bohemia

    Denied Little Things & possible SCPs

    Yeah. Yikes, guys. What she said.
  2. Bohemia


    What she said.
  3. Bohemia

    Bigger surface

    Yeah. What she said.
  4. Bohemia

    Random out

    said what about engineers
  5. Bohemia

    auburn wick gramme

    refugee alert
  6. Bohemia

    SOP respawn timer

    Brought up with CT in a meeting months ago.... Never fixed... SOP so fun to play all the time waiting 5 billion years to respawn...
  7. Bohemia

    Whats better, SCP-RP or M-RP?

  8. Bohemia

    The state of the Server

    love dese posts.... good thread.... this is true... too many permas....
  9. Bohemia

    [USA] Internal Affairs Ambassador Application J. Dredd

    + Support NOT a useless IA agent???
  10. Bohemia

    Partially Accepted Amnestics Re-Work

    (the joke is they take a really long time to do simple changes)
  11. Bohemia

    Partially Accepted Amnestics Re-Work

    Sorry this is more like a month of work +Support btw