Recent content by Change Z. "Somebody"

  1. Change Z. "Somebody"

    Denied Burnout no more. Simple solution to relapses.

    It's either this or screaming slurs while MRDMing (same result) +Support
  2. Change Z. "Somebody"

    Denied New 22415 powers

    I honestly like this suggestion
  3. Change Z. "Somebody"


    Good CI DELCOM, ECC, Etc. Free thinker. Good Luck
  4. Change Z. "Somebody"

    Accepted MAJ Promotion Level

    +support makes my job so much easier
  5. Change Z. "Somebody"

    [SCPRP-USA] Enochs ECM App

    +support Previous ECM that resigned without any drama at all. Will make me rejoin O-1 if this gets accepted (bad)
  6. Change Z. "Somebody"

    Denied DEA loadout change/Slight Addition

    +support - From CI
  7. Change Z. "Somebody"

    Denied Add a Pokemon (Civilmonsters) Arcade Game to D-Block

    +support When will I be able to play civilmon Go?
  8. Change Z. "Somebody"

    Denied Charater Based Clearnace Level Rework

    Maybe for CI/GOC ONLY ON THEIR JOB and MTF ONLY ON THEIR JOB then this would be fine +support if what I said actually happens. -support otherwise, it just wouldn't make sense
  9. Change Z. "Somebody"

    Denied Decrease overall HP / hit points / life points / salubrity of D-Class

    Omg they want you to join SSL now!! Congrats @Caesar Kuznetsov -support.