Recent content by Chest Rockwell

  1. Chest Rockwell

    [USA] Blossom's Security Captain Application

    +support stinky
  2. Chest Rockwell

    [USA] Security Captain App (Soul)

    +support One of the best Sergeants I've ever seen
  3. Chest Rockwell

    [US] Nolan 'Sprite' Dark Special Agent Application

    +support Would be a great special agent
  4. Chest Rockwell

    {USA} Sotos Apostolos Captain app

    +support Best cadet fr
  5. Chest Rockwell

    [USA] Sky Johnson's Security Captain Application

    +support Skylar Johanson is my favorite sergeant
  6. Chest Rockwell

    OSA USA billy bob

  7. Chest Rockwell

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Tykeck

    +support I’ve known Tykeck for months now he’s one of the most professional and levelheaded players on the server. He constantly goes out of his way to help people and I have no doubt that he would make a great staff member.
  8. Chest Rockwell

    Accepted Add cigarettes and liquor

    +hell yeah
  9. Chest Rockwell

    Add an ATM to D-Block

    +support In its current state D-Block can get boring, adding my favorite IRL activity banking would definitely help combat boredom