Recent content by Chin Ho111111111?

  1. Chin Ho111111111?

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Lots of cash

    Hey Saphira. The reason I didnt say that in the appeal is because I dont own the account that is flagged with me. It was a friend that was with me at the time and he said "what if I login now from my account after 1 year what will happen" I said you cant because you are flagged as I used my...
  2. Chin Ho111111111?

    Stefan NHC Application

    +support better then athena+ + + wins wars + builds fobs + can drive a supply truck straight + screams at people + rdms annoying pvts + always replaces radios while the cos are being tiktokers during wars + + knows how to lead better then hersh
  3. Chin Ho111111111?

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Lots of cash

    Your in-game name: Lots of cash Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:640547781 Ban Reason: Cheating - approved by Super Admins Date of ban: Sun May 19 19:14:49 2024 Who banned you: Steven Connor [RC-273]NCoJ Ban length: permanent What will you do to stop this from happening again: I would...
  4. Chin Ho111111111?

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Lotsofcash[WMC]

    Your in-game name: Lotsofcash[WMC] Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:640547781 Ban Reason: Cheating [Approved by Superadmins] Date of ban: 19 May 2024 Who banned you: Steven connor Ban length: Permanent What will you do to stop this from happening again: From what I have seen in the evidence it is...
  5. Chin Ho111111111?

    Chin ho permaban appeal

    - Your in-game name: Chin ho - Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:640547781 - Your steam community link: - Date of ban: Mon Oct 10 00:28:48 2022 - What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Dox Threats | Player Targeting | DDos Threats - Who...