Recent content by CommanderSmith

  1. CommanderSmith

    Erwin Smith's returnee app

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90588491 Discord name: Erwin.Smith For how long have you played on MRP: been here since 2020 then left for a good while but I've been wanting to make a return Are you a returning player?: Yes If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: January 2025 NATO name...
  2. CommanderSmith

    Tesco's mate

    ello ello ello! Tesco's is the best.
  3. CommanderSmith

    @Harry I will always miss you and you will deserve a spot on my page forever!

    @Harry I will always miss you and you will deserve a spot on my page forever!
  4. CommanderSmith

    Smith, signing off. Goodbye my friends, it's been an honour.

    Smith, signing off. Goodbye my friends, it's been an honour.
  5. CommanderSmith

    Smith's leaving post

    Check again Woman
  6. CommanderSmith

    Alex's Leaving post

    big respect my G
  7. CommanderSmith

    Smith's leaving post

    Hello all, So this has been a long time coming for me in this community, now as some of you well know I have been here for a long while now (9 years) and I feel like I can not commit as much as I want to due to work and life in general, so this is my official goodbye from me. All I really...
  8. CommanderSmith


    How are we doing as a community?
  9. CommanderSmith

    Check out the new banner, lads!

    Check out the new banner, lads!
  10. CommanderSmith


    Goodbye old friend, take care
  11. CommanderSmith


    ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????????
  12. CommanderSmith


  13. CommanderSmith

    Reynolds' Introduction!

    Welcome to our community @Reynolds
  14. CommanderSmith

    unable to connect to MRP server

    UPDATE: It's fixed, thank you @Hydro