Recent content by CORE.

  1. CORE.

    Theo's Returnee Application

    + Support My fav Romanian reel sender
  2. CORE.

    Erwin Smith's returnee app

    + Support Bro got every clip of MRP history
  3. CORE.

    Whiskey's Returnee Application

    + Support please i dont want to train PVTs alone
  4. CORE.

    Jason M. GM Appeal

    + Support
  5. CORE.

    big jez returnee application

    + Massive SUPPORT
  6. CORE.

    Tabuk's (Corpse) Application

    + SUPPORT Let him cook
  7. CORE.

    Accepted Adding a limit for medic drone on the Jugg/flamer

    Medic drone is not gonna be useless what I mean its gonna be on the jugg and the flamer only not the players. just like the Defibrillators you can't revive them and the first aid kit which could only stop the bleeding and not heal them healing a Juggernaut to 3000 HP and never die in a war is...
  8. CORE.

    Accepted Adding a limit for medic drone on the Jugg/flamer

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: change the medic drone to stop or add a limit Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): less overpowered to use the medic Drone by healing the Jugg...
  9. CORE.

    Dominic goodbye Civil gamers

    O7 big dawg Gonna miss those shield pushes lad
  10. CORE.

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - 'James'

    +Support get him on the GM team asap