Recent content by Dagger

  1. Dagger

    NHC application Jaxiferr [USA]

    Neutral Same as what DoomGuy said.
  2. Dagger

    Doom Guy's NHC Application #2 (Allowed by LTGEN)

    +Support Active Mature Has a lot of experience Good Application Would do great as NHC Good Luck!!
  3. Dagger

    Jacob Richman's Moderator Application

    +/- Neutral -Active -Not too sure about rule knowledge -Good Personality -Application is lacking -Playtime could be better before applying
  4. Dagger

    Peterson Harrison Staff Applications

    +/- Neutral -Active -Not too sure about rule knowledge -Good Personality -Application is lacking -Playtime could be better before applying
  5. Dagger

    [US] pricetag's mod app

    +Support -Active -Great Personality -Good Rule Knowledge -Nice Application Good Luck!
  6. Dagger

    [USA] Dan Bambozzini's Mod App

    +Support He is a friendly guy who is easy to talk to which I think is definitely a quality that is needed for a staff member. I also think he has matured with his rank so defo giving a + for this. He has also been very active and loyal to USAF. On the other hand regarding RRs and Sit times, you...
  7. Dagger

    [UK] Dmitri the Mango's Mod Application

    -Support Good morning Dmitri, I am going to have to -Support this Application due to the sheer amount of warns/bans you have. I have only talked to you for a few mins in ts3 and I don't have any in-game interactions with you. If I see you doing good and you have changed your behavior/maturity I...
  8. Dagger

    Doom Guy's NHC Application (US)

    +Support Active Mature Has a lot of experience Would do great as NHC
  9. Dagger

    (US) Camden's NHC Application

    +/- Neutral I have not seen you lead a war and besides that you have a good personality.
  10. Dagger

    NHC USA Polo [US]

    -Support What Dan Bambozzini said and how do we know you can be relied on after doing something like that.
  11. Dagger

    [US] Gage's SC Application

    + Support From what I have seen from my time playing NWO. He is good at his job and acts professional. He is also very dedicated to NWO and AOR. I think he would be a good SC.