Recent content by Danny G

  1. Danny G

    Cristiano's NHC Application

    +support i aint no hypocrit
  2. Danny G

    Marv Fit's NHC Application

    +Support get that up there
  3. Danny G

    NATO High Command Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56692264 Discord name: Ill man#3284 For how long have you played on MRP: 1 Year soon Age: 20 In what country are you located?: Denmark Time zone: BST+1 NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF CPT Boss NWO name (regiment and rank)...
  4. Danny G

    Dannys NATO High Command App

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:206394102 Discord name: Ill man#3284 For how long have you played on MRP: 1 Year soon Age: 20 In what country are you located?: Denmark Time zone: BST+1 NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF CPT Boss NWO name (regiment and rank)...
  5. Danny G

    Christopher's NHC application

    +support makes bangers when it comes to powerpoints good lad and dedicated as fuck
  6. Danny G

    Till Next Time

    they done did u bad man
  7. Danny G

    Stefan NWO Application

    +Support get him in lad
  8. Danny G

    Accepted Fix KA-52 and MI-24 handling

    Ka-52 is fine but fix mi yes
  9. Danny G

    Denied Raise Sky Box

    - Support There has been events with tall skyboxes and its not fun for ground units who cant stinger or use AA. Also this "Better for ground forces since we wont be so low and annoying to them" is a joke lol
  10. Danny G

    Pacino MacTavish's NHC App

    Application Accepted Hello @Pacino Congratulations on having your application accepted. Please contact myself or @Welding Olsen for the next step.
  11. Danny G

    Stefan NHC Application

    Application Accepted Hello @StefanZEW Congratulations on having your application accepted. Please contact myself or @Welding Olsen for the next step.
  12. Danny G


    See u partner ❤️
  13. Danny G

    Denied Changes to SWB/JAF Anti Air Job
