Recent content by Dentos

  1. Dentos

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - matz

    It's been a week, not two since you were denied fyi
  2. Dentos

    Accepted dont change SHA model

    Hello @Jorge , don't use suggestions to argue with your other LTCOL. Considering you guys have differing opinions, I suggest you call a meeting or make a poll on this topic with the entire SHA and come to me with results which will then be implemented. You have until the end of the week to let...
  3. Dentos

    Accepted Adding a limit for medic drone on the Jugg/flamer

    Suggestion Accepted Hello @CORE. , we discussed your suggestion and decided to accept it. We will be tweaking the healing rate on the drone so it heals a bit slower and is easier to push especially during wars where you only have normal ground troops. It will take a bit of testing to see...
  4. Dentos

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    Suggestion Response Hello @Aleem Abdul , we discussed your suggestion and this is what we decided: 1. Clearance level and keycards change - Accepted to generally improve how that whole system works 2. F4 Map change - Accepted to improve spy experience 3. Kill feed to be only enabled during...
  5. Dentos

    Denied Discord rank Icons

    Suggestion Put on Hold Hello @Hamood , we discussed your suggestion and we like the idea. However we have to keep in mind what Revolutionary said in the latest response, so it will take a bit of testing to see if we can even pull this off. I will update this response with the outcome! Thank...
  6. Dentos

    Denied KWK spots

    Suggestion Denied Hello @drako dormus , we discussed your suggestion and decided to deny it because of how we will do map changes in the future. When we eventually come back to Afghan we will be swapping bases and if NATO see this as an issue we will do something that makes it a bit more fair...
  7. Dentos

    Accepted Please add a button that allows us mass kick infantry privates that are 3+ days inactive

    Suggestion Accepted Hello @BenShapiro , we think your suggestion is really useful and it would definitely make removing inactive people easier compared to how we do it at the moment. Thank you for your time to make this suggestion! Take care, Dentos
  8. Dentos

    Denied SHA model change

    Suggestion Accepted Hello @Antra , we discussed your suggestion and decided to accept it. We are currently not on Afghan anymore, but it will be something fresh for SHA nonetheless. Thank you for your time to make this suggestion! Take care, Dentos
  9. Dentos

    Denied Revamped Hacking Mission

    Suggestion Denied Hello @Zakariya , we discussed this suggestion and decided it would not be the best idea to implement. We definitely like the way it's going though, so we will try to add something like this in the future. Thank you for your time to make this suggestion! Take care, Dentos
  10. Dentos

    banned for no reason

    Hello @fentcat , please follow the format linked bellow if you were also banned on TS or Discord. Otherwise use the proper section to appeal in game bans:
  11. Dentos

    Denied Bring back Hellfires

    Suggestion Denied Hello @Christian MacTavish , we discussed your suggestion and decided to deny it for now due to some future changes being made to the Helicopter system. Once the change is made, we will discuss this one again and see if it fits or not. Thank you for your time to make this...
  12. Dentos

    Denied New War Type

    Suggestion Put On Hold Hello @Potatos , we discussed your suggestion and decided to put it on hold for now to see if our devs can add something like this in without it messing up vwar system or cause a similar issue. This will definitely be looked into again after we hear from them. Thank...
  13. Dentos

    Accepted Fix the Perma Stinger

    Suggestion Accepted Hello @Bobby1 , we will accept your suggestion due to it being a bug that must be fixed! Thank you for your time to make this suggestion! Take care, Dentos
  14. Dentos

    Accepted Please fix ER

    Suggestion Accepted Hello @Eyes , we will accept this suggestion due to it being a bug that must be fixed! Thank you for your time to make this suggestion! Take care, Dentos
  15. Dentos

    Denied Make it so you cannot swap characters in war or 10 minutes before war

    Suggestion Denied Hello @sahns , we discussed your suggestion and decided to deny it because of how it would impact wars where sides would be heavily outnumbered to begin with. Thank you for your time to make this suggestion! Take care, Dentos