Recent content by Dinklesprinkle

  1. Dinklesprinkle

    Content Suggestion Current state of SOP

    i dont think a minor gun change / addition would be a valuable fix it would just be a bandaid for the lack of control nu7 have over any of their turf due to DEA being the new wonderchild which has taken stuff both RP and content stuffs from nu7 this needs to be handled from both sides
  2. Dinklesprinkle

    Content Suggestion Limit PAC3 To Help Stop Lag

    for what its worth if you see anyone with replaced entities thats majorly against pac rules so you could call a sit for them to be sorted
  3. Dinklesprinkle

    Rule Suggestion Make /me strips weapons powergame

    this is infact a reponse
  4. Dinklesprinkle

    Denied Site Administration Disguise Card's

    shouldnt your logic dictate all senior Clearance 4 positions should receive a disguise card
  5. Dinklesprinkle

    Content Suggestion SCP-RP Simulation / Training room

    i feel if the budgeting lords allow it, corridor sim rooms would be better however i feel if theres going to be more than one its will just be a mockup of pinewood and maybe a smaller corridor recreation of 914. but yknow thats just speculation its upto the mapper taking this project on if it...
  6. Dinklesprinkle

    Content Suggestion SCP-RP Simulation / Training room

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion is to add (through mapping) a singular big room under the map (like 860's Realm) adding a closed off area which is out of the way from the rest of the facility (essentially mimicking MRP's sim rooms). This room would be accessible via...
  7. Dinklesprinkle

    Denied New server monetary support option

    this is why i suggested it being kept so high for authorization because i can guarentee atleast the community manager & or owner wants to keep a more serious vibe / tone where they can lol
  8. Dinklesprinkle

    Denied Add medical syringes to medical cabinet

    i remember once i had 323 blood in a syringe during an 008 breach n when i shwung it out infront of an ambassador i almost got shot lmao
  9. Dinklesprinkle

    Denied Add medical syringes to medical cabinet

    if foundation doesnt think about it and validate the theft then its on them for being scammed lmao
  10. Dinklesprinkle

    Denied New server monetary support option

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This would add a new payment option to be able to purchase a weapon Skin exclusive to you (kinda like rank requests). - This would be a 1/1 (quality of your chosing) - The Skin would be marked as untradable - Skins already obtainable through crates...
  11. Dinklesprinkle

    Denied Add medical syringes to medical cabinet

    i think if this is to be added it should be restricted to high clearance medical due to the abusability the instant inject. this would also give people to come to medical lead to request uses of the syringe like poison & antidote used to be for interrogation purposes which would also bring a...
  12. Dinklesprinkle

    Accepted Progression and Player Retention

    i feel a part of keeping player retention should start with looking after new players and actually welcome them in whilst giving them the information they actually need. from my personal experience on a multitude of occasions when i am not in a regiment i am usually aggressively poached in as...
  13. Dinklesprinkle

    Accepted 049 weapon suggestion

    cant wait for the ERP sessions with P.I.M.P-049
  14. Dinklesprinkle

    Accepted SCP Healing Beams

    I Already suggested this however my suggestion was to give it to Medical staff. My suggestion went in about why it should not be given to GOI's however i feel if required CI could argue a point for their medical job to recieve the item too if it is added the way i suggested...
  15. Dinklesprinkle

    IA arrest issue [FIXED]

    thats hilarious my bad G