Recent content by Disturbia

  1. Disturbia

    Denied Anti-personnel + Anti-tank mines

    +support Maybe make tank mines a part of the AT job instead of a fob build able, it'd make sense for them to have them
  2. Disturbia

    Denied Add back the taser license

    +support Don't enjoy being Tazed every five seconds by a new PVT
  3. Disturbia

    Accepted Bomb Drone's, During base raids

    ofc core doesn't support this Drone spammer I fear the sounds of drones now
  4. Disturbia

    Accepted Gambling!!!!

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds things such as Slots, Roulette Tables, Blackjack tables to both bases and Civilian Areas. Give us a money lost gambling leaderboard Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I didn't see it when I had...
  5. Disturbia

    Disturbias GM Appeal

    NameDisturbia Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:550830224 Previous Rank (convert if required):TGM Who demoted you?:Robert H Date of demotion?:26/5/2024 What is the case against you?: Abuse of Powers Is this true?: Yes Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No Have you ever been...
  6. Disturbia

    Pending Review Actual Artillery Structures

    -Make it a job locked or license locked item - An SPAA is a vehicle I believe, I don't think armoured need new vehicles I think they need some form of static equipment instead, they could just add a cooldown between shots(15 seconds?) or have either weak damage over a moderate area(10-20M)) or...
  7. Disturbia

    Pending Review Actual Artillery Structures

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds artillery pieces in the game, which can either be static pieces which are outside the Base walls so they can be shot or as a constructable item at FOBs, Id imagine these things are hard to create but have no idea. Has something similar been...
  8. Disturbia

    Denied Weekly Court Cases

    Whilst I understand your point nobody ever requests a court case because there is simply no point, you get charged with the crime anyways so even if you win the case it's still on your record and I've never seen an RMP/KGB investigation so I couldn't comment on that
  9. Disturbia

    Denied Weekly Court Cases

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add a guaranteed weekly court case which can be attended by either side, the crimes could be fabricated or they could be actual crimes committed by players. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No...
  10. Disturbia

    Denied Gauss replaces T-90a

    -support T90a can get buffed just please god do not give the USSR/NWO the Gauss again NATO has tanks which you have to Tokyo drift out of base because of the grip and then you have to wiggle up hills because the torque refuses to let it go up naturally I can't think of their names off the top...
  11. Disturbia

    Denied Tank Shell Change

    +support Helps tank regiments from being absolutely annihalted in 0.0000001 seconds by the dozen AT4s launched at it the second it's spotted
  12. Disturbia

    Accepted New NATO CO Models

    +support Both sides need new and unique CO models, makes it so you can actually identify the Officers regiment from a distance
  13. Disturbia

    Accepted Infantry Improvements (ISAF&SHA)

    +support Makes it so half the ranks actually have a purpose and makes you want to rank up instead of having the same jobs for like two weeks then unlocking a bunch of them at the same time.
  14. Disturbia

    Denied Rank Requirements for 17th/10th Repair tool

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove Make the engineer class for 17th PVT/PSC or give the Infantry role a repair tool Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I don't believe so Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Makes it so...
  15. Disturbia

    Denied Add KWKs limit to construction kit
