Recent content by Dopamine

  1. Dopamine

    Compliments Section V2

    Name: Jonny 'Bear' Hartman What they did: Absolutely fantastic mentor during my time as a TGM, great help back then and even still a help now when i'm getting the hand of that sweet sweet blue role How did it affect you: Honestly it leaves feeling really happy, I love doing small shenanigans...
  2. Dopamine

    Rule Suggestion ( Content and Rule ) Making the 22415s useful again

    +Support And honestly with SCP-22415, "May assist anyone (human or SCP) with morally good acts" is REALLY vague, as its more of a perspective thing rather than a set in stone thing, for example if you described it very vaguely, it is a morally good act to release people being tortured, more or...
  3. Dopamine

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Smith'Tylenol'John[PAM-AOFC]

    As the GM who was involved in this, I will apologies on my behalf as I at the time had forgotten the rules on specific SCP's passive breaching, I was under the impression 8854 could be relaxed as I had recently hosted an event involving a skeleton model and got my brain mixed up, however once I...
  4. Dopamine

    Partially Accepted Expanded Reality-Bending

    me when the type yellow disguises himself as a prop from the military rp server and fucks up the whole game (last time we spawned a military rp asset d class started spawning on the gm plane)
  5. Dopamine

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - ingame: Pyroe (main)

    The fact you did this, a couple days after you made this application shows me you don't give less than a singular shit about actually wanting to do something for the staff team, could've spent the time gaining the trust of the people who -support'd you so they'd trust you next time, nope, just...
  6. Dopamine

    Content Meeting Discussion What 079 ought to be able to do

    this is THE 079 player, if he can admit 079 is bad then we can all admit hes bad +Support buff him like NOW
  7. Dopamine

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - DanielRLS

    +Support Great guy to talk to in game, really chill and I'd see him as staff in the future
  8. Dopamine

    Content Suggestion Limit PAC3 To Help Stop Lag

    hold up they do this? I genuinely didn't know people do this, and if this is the case +Support, the fact this isn't already a thing shocks me
  9. Dopamine

    Partially Accepted Make scp that suppose to be breach silently actually silent

    Honestly, +Support on this whole thing, but what I'd recommend is adding SCP-966 and SCP-096 to this suggestion, since 096 weirdly enough has two breaches, a silent spawning of his picture, and a loud one, which doesn't make any sense, if ones silent how's the other loud? And 966 is a generally...
  10. Dopamine


    no mention of me 💔 BUT ANYWAYS, man I will miss you Recker, one of the chillest dudes I've met, really great to talk to even though I rarely got to lmao, but enjoy yourself man, you'll be missed, and of course, o7
  11. Dopamine

    Partially Accepted Let D-Class have a way to Access Level-3 cards or TE-5s (for like the trains area)

    it's called killing the officer on the balcony and praying it drops, your job as a D Class shouldn't be THAT easy to the point where level 3's can be attained IN D block, you need to think smart and actually know what you're doing and not just run around spamming E on scrap piles and hacking the...
  12. Dopamine

    Jonny 'Bear' Hartman's ECM Application [US]

    +Support THE Best DoM I've seen in a long time, and an absolute fantastic mentor towards me, great guy who would do amazing as an ECM
  13. Dopamine

    SCP's should be able to breach when their doors are opened

    I feel like this would be good but imagine the failrping chef's just opening a shit ton of scp's doors and causing a mass breach, I'd say it'd need a LOT of tweaking, maybe providing like a 10 minute timer once the door is open for the SCP to truly be able to leave, or alert E-11 everytime an...
  14. Dopamine

    Accepted New type of containment box hack/SCP pacification method

    +Support we LOVE suggestions that make staff jobs easier!