Doug 'TrippleD'


MTF Nu-7 Lieutenant Commander
DEA Senior Agent
ISD Investigator
Chaos Insurgency Gamma [MRU-MS] [ASU]
SCP-RP Trial Moderator

External Affairs Department Manager
External Affairs Special Agent

Intellectu vigilantia, mundo in obscuro - Douglas ████████

UNGOC First Sergeant [8k DL]
MTF E-11 Command Sergeant
MTF Nu-7 Specialist x2
Chaos Insurgency Alpha

Kidnapped UNGOC General 'Y Ddraig Goch'
Neither man nor angel can discern hypocrisy, the only evil that walks invisible except to God alone.
My voice thou oft hast heard and hast not feared, But oft rejoiced and miserable it is to be to others cause of misery...

CI-C BCOM 'Niox'


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