Recent content by Doug 'TrippleD'

  1. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Network Leadership required Create an Event Server to be used for Major Events.

    I do wonder though, what region will this be hosted in? The more populous USA region or the more rp based UK region? (roughly, not always accurate)
  2. Doug 'TrippleD'

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Broda (2)

    you lied! you said you would become a mapper, not join the GM's! anyways, +support
  3. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Niox's very ealiy introduction

    this guy smells
  4. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Kenraalis SCP-096 Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Hello @kenraali! Thank you for taking the time to make an application! Congratulations on your new whitelist! Contact an Admin+ In-Game to receive your whitelist! Kind Regards, Doug
  5. Doug 'TrippleD'

    [USA] SCP-096 Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Hello @Umami! Thank you for taking the time to make an application! Congratulations on your new whitelist! Contact an Admin+ In-Game to receive your whitelist! Kind Regards, Doug
  6. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Getting Exception/Reword/Something on Discord Rules

    Does he know? also stop farming solutions
  7. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Getting Exception/Reword/Something on Discord Rules

    You can request a senior admin+ to create a private thread in your channels instead of a channel to prevent bloat. You can ping people to add them to the thread and the threads can be viewed by only Admin+ or Platform member+. Hope this helps.
  8. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Zen's Permanent Staff Blacklist Appeal

    This thread will be locked if people continue arguing in this thread and await review from SSL/NL.
  9. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Accepted Dissallowing usage of the inventory while arrested.

    I'm not sure if this is possible, from what I know its job based flags for not being able to equip weapons/access inventory stuff & use comms so I would assume the only way to do this without taking ages and lots of code is to create a new job that people are set on when they are arrested, which...
  10. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Zen's Senior Moderator Resignation Appeal

    Neutral You were a good staff member, but I haven't really seen you being very active at all. Could we see your monthly vtime please?
  11. Doug 'TrippleD'

    [UK] Sceptre's ECM Application

    Turns out his past application was in the resolved assistants area... Moved it to command though!
  12. Doug 'TrippleD'

    [US] Tommy Coolatta 22415 Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Hello @Clover! Thank you for taking the time to make an application! Congratulations on your new whitelist! Contact an Admin+ In-Game to receive your whitelist! Kind Regards, Doug
  13. Doug 'TrippleD'

    [USA] SCP-096 Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Hello @MrSentryBuster! Thank you for taking the time to make an application! Congratulations on your new whitelist! Contact an Admin+ In-Game to receive your whitelist! Kind Regards, Doug
  14. Doug 'TrippleD'

    [USA] SCP-096 Application

    APPLICATION DENIED Hello @Temmie! Thank you for taking the time to make an application! Your application was denied due to the very low effort of this application You may reapply in 5 days Kind Regards, Doug
  15. Doug 'TrippleD'

    Denied stock/inflation
