Recent content by drako dormus

  1. drako dormus

    Stop the chat spam and slight improvements to new player experience

    +sup HEY have you heard about this disc link that blocks you from spawning :3 yeah!.. also join this disc and training program
  2. drako dormus

    Denied Realistic Food dynamics

    ...restock food every hour or so. +support
  3. drako dormus

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

    + support, a lot of people use lmg's more then rifles
  4. drako dormus

    Denied stock/inflation

    nope highworks brought this idea to me just for money and more fun as i said i was buying mre's as i didn't really had a need for money.
  5. drako dormus

    Denied stock/inflation

    buddy....i am the one that buys every mre each day. isn't for stocks like amout of limit buut stocks like stock exchange market
  6. drako dormus

    Denied stock/inflation

    made it readable...
  7. drako dormus

    Denied stock/inflation

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: [ adds a stock market with some base stocks like MRE company, hersthal, ussr hc or something, prices will also inflate or go down in the kitchen (like mre's go up of down how much there are) Aka Real stock market like irl where you can trade in...
  8. drako dormus

    Jonny Crook's appeal

    -support minges around a lot, speaking as a kgb member he has a pretty long record.
  9. drako dormus

    Accepted Remove Deployable Shield usage outside of bases/During war

    -support helloooo jasooon , like everyone said in here... the deployable shield is the only piece of kit that KGB/RMP regiment has that is allowed during wars that is generally avaible for anyone in the regiment and not blocked by a person limit (AT4 has a 1 person limit as it is only avaiable...
  10. drako dormus

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    WE don't arrest people for killffeeed we only do that if there is one person killing the entire ussr team which i stated as RDM... people will say we need to arrest them after we id check.. ask any person who ain't kgb who will stand still for a id check if they commited a crime..
  11. drako dormus

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    -support , clearance makes it easy to understnad how high up you are in the rank structure, also a thing to identify spies on. The metagaming thing would make it much harder for kgb to see if they arrest the correct person. The killfeed kgb uses to actually see if there is a rdm'd going around...
  12. drako dormus

    Denied KWK spots

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: [Response here] changes the base kwk spot for usser to either ontop of the control checkpoint of (the main gate) oor to a much better location (idk any good one tbh). This will make the kwk have a actuall use during wars as now we can only shoot the...
  13. drako dormus

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - SAS PFC Celze

    - big support nevative traits are waay to negatice, meaning bias ness against members, abusing powers , lying and rundeness are just not traits that any staff member should have even if this person is good. Alsoo in the application rules says that you can't mention other communities/servers...
  14. drako dormus

    Denied Revamped Hacking Mission

    neutral +support it will make peacetime less waiting but also less focued on fob building which is bad. -support, if the hacking goes through and it wins it will prob the fault of kgb while kgb is already standing guard on almost every post they can with our numbers.
  15. drako dormus

    Jason M.'s UHC Application

    -support inactive :3 neutral if he gets active