Recent content by Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

  1. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Fanta

    +support would be a great fit has helped me and many others with staff issues (lower that time bro your worse than raixin)
  2. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    Damned/Damian's leaving

    :sadcat: Gonna miss the fuck out of you man good luck in whatever you do in the future server won't be the same without you o7
  3. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - ingame: Pyroe (main)

    - support Literally minges around on different roles and acts like hes hot shit let alone the recent warns
  4. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    [SCP-RP USA] John Nohacks OSA

    + support needs more shadow company
  5. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    (US) Exec application

    - SUPPORT Massive minge app is also lacking would not do well in research as they have the absolute bare knowledge of a what a researcher does and would be more of a hindrance to research than a boon
  6. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    {USA} Bumbalina's Ethics Assistant

    + support Good person knows how to be an eca good luck on the app that warn check on f3 is wild tho lmao
  7. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    Am I back?

    Holy fuck hound it's been so long
  8. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    Tesco's mate

    Bro can't beat a meal deal altho why the fu is it almost 4 quid now
  9. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    Which department is the best

    Your right it's not IA it's ISD :D (gensec)
  10. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)


    Easton how could you say something so controversial yet so profound I didn't know you had it in you
  11. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)


    o7 recker man the server isn't gonna be the same without you there but good luck in whatever you do in the future gonna miss the shit out of you
  12. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    (USA) Madden San Miguel ECM APP

    + support Please keep the cap on mr baldie
  13. Drol (Marcus Takafuji)

    [USA] Marcus Takafuji's Medical Consultant App

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:121212256 Discord name: Dragonbor166 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years Age: 28 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Marcus Takafuji Civilian name: Bryce Tankthrust What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA...