Recent content by DrTaboo

  1. DrTaboo

    [UK] The Gregory Steven's Site Advisor Application

    MEGA +Support - Gregory is one of the best commissioners I had on my side during my tenure as management, and I believe he would be the perfect site advisor. - He is active, professional and has enough experience to go for an O5 position. - His ability to keep in-character things, in-character...
  2. DrTaboo

    [UK] Kake's Site Admin Application

    +Support - One of the best GMs and has amazing RP Potential - Active - Would be a perfect Site Advisor.
  3. DrTaboo

    Brayan's OSA Application <UK>

    +Support - Amazing Commissioner - Active, and would be a perfect OSA But please, never leave ISD
  4. DrTaboo

    [UK] Kronen DEA Director App

    +Support - Amazing Department Manager - Would fit the role perfectly - Good luck!
  5. DrTaboo

    [UK] J. Lloyd's Director of Internal Security Application

    For reference, I have placed in an RoA due to upcoming mock examinations. Please excuse my reduced activity.
  6. DrTaboo

    Cheesy is going..

    You scared the life out of me then.
  7. DrTaboo

    [USA] "Cowboy" Internal Security Inspector Application

    Please put [USA] in the title! Thank you
  8. DrTaboo

    [UK] J. Lloyd's Director of Internal Security Application

    Thank you all for the support! It is highly appreciated.
  9. DrTaboo

    [UK] J. Lloyd's Director of Internal Security Application

    SCIPNET EMAIL SYSTEM From: John Lloyd <> To: Ethics Committee <> Subject: Director of Internal Security Application Director of Internal Security Application DrTaboo - SCP-RP United Kingdom Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:168678778 Discord name...
  10. DrTaboo

    [UK] Nova Ryder's ECA Application.

    -Support - Any interactions I have had with you have been mingy and unprofessional - Little RP creation - Poor candidate for ECA.
  11. DrTaboo

    [UK] Broda's Site Advisor Application

    Major +Support - I haven't been on the server long enough to see everything that Broda has done, but what I have seen has been absolutely amazing. He has transformed ISD into a paradise, and his time as O5-1 was equally as amazing. - Broda would make an excellent Site Advisor or even higher...
  12. DrTaboo

    The legendary Alex Bones DoISD Application [UK]

    +Support - Amazing commissioner - Active - Would be a great DoISD