Recent content by egg.

  1. egg.

    reporped and sent to authorities

    reporped and sent to authorities
  2. egg.

    [UK] egg's SCP-22415 role app

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:548673336 Discord name: l.v For how long have you played on CN SCP: been playing since November 2023, i have 800h on gmod and around 600 of them are in SCPRP Age: 18 In what country are you located?: Spain Time zone: GMT+2 Character name(s): "egg" / Shane Bacon /...
  3. egg.

    Goodbye from Athena

    o7 homie
  4. egg.

    Leaving Message from "Cuddles"

    o7 ill miss u walking around looking like a badass event character as an SCP but for the love of god IAM NOT KETCHUP
  5. egg.

    Biscuits leaving CN

  6. egg.

    uh idk

    yeah but i dont actively get on the forums unless im doing a role app mf
  7. egg.

    uh idk

    its what im sayin bruh im inactive on SCPRP im even worse in its forums ?
  8. egg.

    uh idk

    inactive ong
  9. egg.

    uh idk

  10. egg.

    uh idk

    how in gods fck did u respond so quickly
  11. egg.

    uh idk

    Tf did i do ?
  12. egg.

    [SCP-RP UK] Charles Whitmee Ethics Committee Chairman Application #2

    + Support + it's scientifically proved that you can't think of the word "ethics" without thinking of this man + has shown high, genuine and constant interest in RP and in the creation of RP + hes just chill like that fr
  13. egg.

    [UK] Biscuit's Blacklist Appeal

    + Support seen him do things strictly by the rules lately
  14. egg.

    [UK] Poli’s ECA application

    +Support - U seem fit for the role, ik u can take RP seriously - good application