Recent content by Ellie

  1. Ellie

    SCP breaches are so ungodly annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    remove Niox - all problems sorted
  2. Ellie

    [UK] Broda's Ethics Committee Member Application

    + Support One of SCP's best RPers, could bring a lot to the role
  3. Ellie

    SCP breaches are so ungodly annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it would be super helpful if you could drop some ideas on how to "fix this problem" ngl
  4. Ellie

    [UK] Steven Connor's OSA app

  5. Ellie

    Blue's goodbye

    o7 @'Blue' - you know I was rooting for you from the start :) thanks for everything
  6. Ellie

    auburn smells

    so bad. sooooo bad. can we all just agree on this please.
  7. Ellie

    Kaz leaving #2!!!!

    ok we'll see abt that
  8. Ellie

    Last train home

    o7 Chairman (or Dennid as I sometimes called you) SCP has lost a good one this week. Hope uni goes well - enjoy it while you can! We will always be here if you ever want to return <3
  9. Ellie

    MRP Discord ban appeal

    Your ban has been reduced to 2 weeks (from today).
  10. Ellie


  11. Ellie


  12. Ellie


  13. Ellie


  14. Ellie


  15. Ellie

    Blacklist Amnesty - Galiger Richmen

    Hi, Our Anti-Cheat system does not flag users for merely transferring their game files to a different drive. You are free to provide further information in the thread below, but at this time, this appeal will not be accepted.