Recent content by Elvis Padre

  1. Elvis Padre

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Jay 'Ghost' Jackson

    +/- Neutral + Good person + Good app - Send screenshot total time
  2. Elvis Padre

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Rizzie

    +Support - the best ex commander - active
  3. Elvis Padre

    June BlackList Appeal

    Problem with Image here is link to warnings:
  4. Elvis Padre

    June BlackList Appeal

    Name: Elvis "Cookie" Padre Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:648412397 Previous Rank (convert if required): Trail-moderator Who give you BlackList?: Luft Date of demotion?: 06.06.2024 What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK and USA What is the case against you?: I cheated another...
  5. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    I can create something much better but I don't see the point if the application will be rejected anyway
  6. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    Okay sorry then reject my application and no problem
  7. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre Here is code and tutorial What to do to make it work:
  8. Elvis Padre

    [MRP_Mapper_Application] Alpha rest

    +Support Good App and you know something about this
  9. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    That's all what I have. Sorry but more is in python and blueprint
  10. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    When I back to home I send another
  11. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    Maybe you're right :unsure:
  12. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    I will immediately write for this addon to work you have to save it and at the end add .lua or select when saving lua
  13. Elvis Padre

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    This code is a code for a weapon in the sense of an addon we have a name who created the model how you can spawn the weapon the sound it makes and what it looks like holding a gun in your hand