Recent content by ExpiredOnions

  1. ExpiredOnions

    Accepted End war screen

    oh ok welp
  2. ExpiredOnions

    Accepted End war screen

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: PC and RR gets thr war over screen and music Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): PC/ER who are having too much fun killing and don't look to the left of the screen won't kill you while you are RTB ing and get an RDM warn Possible...
  3. ExpiredOnions

    This is 1984

    unrelated pics in SCP/MRP art channel
  4. ExpiredOnions

    Denied make it so that the server can have vr support

    +support Step 1: Add Vtuber Ragdolls Step 2: Call it VR Step 3: sell it for 200 pounds and add a small description so they can't sue you for false claims and stuff Step 4: No one buys it at all Step 5: No one complains because they wouldn't be able to afford it but it exists Step 6: Free money...
  5. ExpiredOnions

    "Atlas" Final Moment

    Sorry for your loss, we will miss you and best of luck on your future endeavors.
  6. ExpiredOnions

    Accepted No bombs for prisoners

    seems like a you problem to be honest, ur not supposed to change jobs while arrested, u usually spawn in bunks which is empty or has afk peeps, and also u could just click once to spawn
  7. ExpiredOnions

    [UK] Steiner's Staff Return Appeal

    +support great dude great pacs would make great staff
  8. ExpiredOnions

    mfw when Gian Carlo runs around d block screaming Alpha 1 Omega 1

    mfw when Gian Carlo runs around d block screaming Alpha 1 Omega 1
  9. ExpiredOnions

    who was the better co

    Valk spitting straight facts
  10. ExpiredOnions


    ur 1stAL, u can pull thru man, wish you all the best (y)
  11. ExpiredOnions

    who was the better co

    Eisenhower is better
  12. ExpiredOnions


    Star Wars is an American epic space-opera[1] multimedia franchise created by George Lucas, which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon. The franchise has been expanded into various films...
  13. ExpiredOnions

    [SCP-RP UK] Jimmys O5 Application V2

    +support Give this man O5, he deserves it
  14. ExpiredOnions

    Very late hello.
