Recent content by frisky

  1. frisky

    Tabuk's (Corpse) Application

    I understand your concern. Whilst yes I haven't played the server for a while, I did play this server a few months or a year ago if I can recall, I joined as a Spetnaz on afghan map and got to the rank of PFC before leaving, I am unsure if you call that "returning" to the community. But...
  2. frisky

    Tabuk's (Corpse) Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:420915796 Discord name: joinks For how long have you played on MRP: Ive gotten back to it however I was playing a lot of star wars RP and military RP back a few months ago and now getting back to it. Are you a returning player?: No If yes to the above, when did you last play...