Recent content by fyzar

  1. fyzar

    Content Suggestion Mechanical Prevention of Breaking FearRP While Cuffed.

    that makes 0 sense at all? lol what? getting shot in cuffs and suddenly fearrp doesn't apply? theres more than enough staff on at most points in time that the "excessive sits" arent that excessive, i dont understand what your saying here, "dont break out or ill shoot you" -> dclass breaks...
  2. fyzar

    Content Suggestion Mechanical Prevention of Breaking FearRP While Cuffed.

    -support just make a sit if they arent following fearrp, completely pointless and as you said yourself it can be detrimental to rp
  3. fyzar

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

    make them slower if they have their lmg out +support
  4. fyzar

    Partially Accepted Redacting Specific Jobs on TAB menu

    1. only allow AOD/SL+ to see the unredacted leaderboard 2. can always just ask an scp to flag on if theres none there 3. inevitable 4. inevitable
  5. fyzar

    Denied Add DBD-like perks.

    this sounds more suited for dclass than anyone else, if its for everyone 5 is way too high
  6. fyzar

    Partially Accepted reword ideas for Scrap Trader and Dodgy Dave (US)

    no, just no. this is basically just mixing, no one would actually refer a researcher or a tech expert as a non-combatative, only the rules do that. if your gonna rename something atleast make it make sense in character
  7. fyzar


    im talking about making them, image hosting isnt as important
  8. fyzar

    Accepted Remove Deployable Shield usage outside of bases/During war

    +support dont understand people trying to back up headglitching when its aids to play against, and for the excuse of "rmp kgb dont have much", unlucky!
  9. fyzar

    Accepted [SHA/ISAF] Class Distribution

    +support makes ranking up in the infantry regs more rewarding than just a few different letters on your name
  10. fyzar

    Partially Accepted Scranton Reality Anchor Cooldown Change

    "its charging up" +support for showing timer -support for removing dispenser cooldown, some jobs spawn with it
  11. fyzar

    Denied Complete SOP Rework

    L take after L take -support
  12. fyzar

    Partially Accepted Make scp that suppose to be breach silently actually silent

    if this is implemented people r just gonna check 079/035 if the counterpart is breached, better solution is to just have the box not display / ert not count towards a silent breached scp whos killed no one
  13. fyzar

    Partially Accepted Make scp that suppose to be breach silently actually silent

    terrible solution to a difficult problem -support
  14. fyzar

    Bigger surface

    doubt a couple displacements, lights and trees would tip the map over the limit and or affect fps by much +support