Recent content by Glazzing

  1. Glazzing

    [USA] Kito / Cats ECM App

    -support not fit
  2. Glazzing


    thank god you're leaving 🙏 o7 though
  3. Glazzing

    Denied DEA loadout change/Slight Addition

    +support bring back dsr too
  4. Glazzing

    Partially Accepted reduce 079 breach cooldown

    +support 079 is dogshit now, it's like the devs didn't even attempt any playtesting before they released the rework
  5. Glazzing

    Partially Accepted Make Ambulances actually work

    yeah yeah keep yapping buddy this is what you circled on your twitter crybaby
  6. Glazzing

    bro puts cropped porn and freakbob stuff on their twitter -support low quality player

    bro puts cropped porn and freakbob stuff on their twitter -support low quality player
  7. Glazzing

    Rule Suggestion Removes MC&D's ability to 'raid' or break in.

    -support this suggestion is fucking ass
  8. Glazzing

    Partially Accepted Make Ambulances actually work

    I don't +support people that betray their own server....
  9. Glazzing

    Partially Accepted Make Ambulances actually work

    -support then I cant waste them
  10. Glazzing

    Accepted adds cranton reality anchors to the mc&d job

    What's a cranton reality anchor?? I know scranton reality anchors are a thing... but a cranton???
  11. Glazzing

    [USA] Walter Unrich's Chairman Application (The Opposition)

    -support go for ethics member instead lil bro
  12. Glazzing

    Denied give me reality bending powers on every job

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: gives demetrious tiggle reality bending swep on every job Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: no Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): i get reality bending i can laugh at noobs that...
  13. Glazzing

    [USA] Samantha 'Obake' Smalls Site Advisor Application

    +support I didn't know bro was this old
  14. Glazzing

    [USA] Saturn "Yoyos' OSA Application

    +support cool but you didn't list your ban evasion and cheating bans/warns