Recent content by Gonzallez5001

  1. Gonzallez5001

    Erwin Smith's returnee app

  2. Gonzallez5001

    Andrey Zelenskyy's Returnee Application

    +support this guy has far too much experience. def would be a massive help to ISAF being in an SCO position. good for server health 🔥
  3. Gonzallez5001

    Gene rmp returnee app

  4. Gonzallez5001

    Whiskey's Returnee Application

    +support this guy has lots of experience in the server. chill donny
  5. Gonzallez5001

    Skyrics Returnee App

    +support I'd like to see this guy help out JAF on NATO! Free from the ruler!
  6. Gonzallez5001

    Wondys Application

    +Support Funny Fella, would add some life to 17th, big experienced and tactical man. Would love to have him in the SCO team with me 🔥
  7. Gonzallez5001

    Eyes NHC Application V2.0 (no improvement)

    +Support Pretty Cool guy. I think it would be interesting to see what u bring to NHC. Good Luck
  8. Gonzallez5001

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - Mr Wonderfool

    +support Pretty cool guy, quite creative as well
  9. Gonzallez5001

    [MRP] Anakins NHC App

    +Support This guy knows what is going on pretty well 🔥 An Anakin crashout do be low key scary tho...
  10. Gonzallez5001

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - 'Gonzallez'

    Your Username: 'Gonzallez' Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:172001551 Discord Username: gallixy5001 Age: 19 What's your current playtime: 500 hours across all CN Servers, played MRP on and off since 2021 Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: 17th 1LT Gonzallez / SHA INF PVT...